In Luke chapter 15, Jesus uses three examples – a sheep, a coin, a wayward son – to illustrate God’s relentless passion to seek and save the lost. Perhaps, the repetition was simply for re-emphasis However, on deeper investigation, it becomes clear that each story carries its own message. When placed together, these messages usher the listener onward to salvation!
Firstly, the example of a sheep is used. Such is a hapless creature, unable to defend itself, reliant upon its owner for provision and protection. Even once found, the sheep is too weak from its wanderings to follow its master home, and must be carried (Luke 15 v 5). Here, Jesus wishes to emphasize our helplessness. Indeed, we are unable to save ourselves. We need the blood of Christ to wash us clean, the hands of God to lift us up, the might of God to set us free!
Secondly, the example of a coin is used. Focus is placed on the value of such coin, a prized possession to the searching woman. “‘Rejoice with me,’” she says, “‘for I have found the piece which I lost!’” (Luke 15 v 9). Here, the message is this, that the lost soul has stunning value and abundant worth. The realization that one is loved by the Almighty Creator, fashioned by Him for an earthly purpose and eternal destiny, drives the bewildered vagrant into the arms of Father God.
Lastly, the example of a wayward son. Here, the emphasis is on the power of choice. Yes, the young man chose to leave his home. He chose to waste his inheritance on prodigal living. But, he also chose to return! Him choosing to return was all that was needed, for his father to forgive, comfort and restore. Such it is with us. We may have wandered, we may have erred, but if we choose to throw ourselves into the arms of God, He will redeem His children – no questions asked!
Dear friend, understand these three precious messages. Firstly, you are helpless to save yourself. Secondly, our God loves and treasures you exceedingly. Lastly, you can choose, whether to run away from Him or into His arms. Choose Him today. There is no better choice!