Mighty to Save

“This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1:5)

The Apostle John avidly affirms that within this declaration is contained the entirety of the Gospel. Certainly this concise account is by divine revelation, as it perfectly conveys the redemption message.  The image created by the picture of light versus darkness is a meaningful one. It encompasses all that our Saviour is.  

If darkness represents sin, oppression, disease and the like, then light symbolizes salvation, deliverance and healing.  Are not the latter included in the gift of salvation?  

When Christ died on the cross and rose again, He ascended as the Conqueror of Satan, the Redeemer of the suffering and Vanquisher of all that is evil.  Yes indeed, our Jesus is Light and light supreme!   

Such a message should surely propel a sinner into the arms of our Saviour and Lord.

May the testimony below richly bless you.  This story is of a young woman who was delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the embrace of the Light of Life. 


Mthandayo, a 22-year-old single mother of one, was caught in a demonic spiral of destruction. Dabbling more and more in ancestral worship and witchcraft, her future loomed dark and ominous. Lost and without purpose, she attended our crusade in Mount Fletcher.  

It started with a simple flyer given to her by a fellow classmate.  Mthandayo took one look at the piece of paper and a warm sensation flooded her heart.  Could this be the Jesus she had heard so much about?  Could this be the time and place to come face-to-face with the Saviour of this world?  Expectantly, she walked a great distance to the crusade venue.

Mthandayo grew up in a family that practiced witchcraft and she naturally followed the same path. Filled with confusion, she found herself caught in a tug-of-war.  

“I wanted so badly to be saved,” she explained.  “Even though I went to church, I was not saved and longed to have Jesus in my life.”  

Hesitant, she did not go forward during the altar call to receive salvation.  Deep inside however, her heart was crying out to God.  

Then, the most glorious thing happened.  Having ministered briefly on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I (Tamryn) began to pray for the crowd.

"I cried while the evangelist was praying.”  Mthandayo said.  “I felt a rush of wind blowing through my head, a cool breeze flowing through my mind.  I heard a voice saying 'Do you want to be like that woman who is worshipping on stage?'”  
The Holy Spirit had posed a life-altering question.  

Would she worship Jesus or continue worshipping the devil?  

In awe, she responded, “Yes!  I say yes to Jesus!”  Instantly, she felt a weight lifting off of her, the light of Christ breaking the chains, driving the darkness away.  At first opportunity, she jumped on the stage when it was time to share testimonies, after which one of our ushers led her in the salvation prayer.

More than anything, Mthandayo wants to serve and love Jesus.  

“I wish to live a prayerful life and to know more about God,” she says.  

Overwhelmed by so many warm emotions she has never felt before, Mthandayo is finally free.  

Certainly, no matter how deep a pit we are in, we know that we always have a Lord who is mighty to save, if we call upon His name.


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About the Author :

Tamryn Klintworth is the founder of In His Name Ministries an evangelistic organization devoted to winning Africa and the world for Jesus, through the holding of mass crusades. She resides in Cape Town, South Africa.


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