Blessed and Highly Favored One

Many of you know the story of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.

During a very happy and good time in her life, she had an experience that would change her plans and very life as she knew it.

God sent His messenger, Gabriel, to tell her that she was chosen, favored and that she was going to conceive in her womb and bring forth a son called Jesus.

Now, Mary did what so many of us would do. She tried to 'figure out' how in the world was this going to happen? I can imagine the conversation in her head sounding like this, "I'm a virgin. I haven't been intimate with a man! There's a missing piece here God!"

Mary was chosen of God for something life changing. Not only would her life change in that moment as she knew it. But, that which she was chosen to 'birth' and bring forth would also change the lives of countless people forever.

And many of you women, are just like this young Mary. You are blessed and highly favored of God. And you have been chosen to bring forth, birth or produce something that's life changing. Something that will not only change your life, but change the lives of so many others.

You have been chosen to produce something that's so much bigger than yourself.

God needs a vessel that's willing to birth something that will bless millions upon millions.

What has God told you that you will conceive and bring forth?

A witty idea that will generate millions of dollars so that you can give to the kingdom? That's life changing. Or maybe a song that will usher listeners into the. Presence of God? That's life changing.

Businesses? Ministries? Books?

There is something that you, highly favored one, have been chosen to conceive and bring forth. Something that will cause others to encounter and experience Christ. But, in order to conceive it and see it birthed, you must move from the place of "How can this be?" Which is the place of human reasoning.

You know what it sounds like--
"I didn't go to school for that Lord." "I don't have the money to start that business Lord." "I don't even like public speaking and you want me to stand and preach what?"

That my friends, is the place of figuring and human reasoning.

And, if we are not careful, we stay right there. Stuck. Leaning to our own understanding. Not going forth in the things of God. Because He directs our paths when we trust in Him and lean not to our own understanding. Reasoning and figuring and fleshly strategizing have no place in the lives of those called to walk by faith.

Now, Mary knew that in the natural, in order for conception to take place, she needed to know a man in an intimate way. However, Gabriel let Mary know that what she was she was about to conceive and birth, man would have absolutely nothing to do with it.

(35)And the angel answered and said to her, “ The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. (Luke 1:35 NKJV)

He told her that the Holy Spirit was going to come upon her and that the power of the Most High was going to overshadow her.

Let me tell you, what God wants to bring forth through your life, flesh will get no glory for it. No man will get the glory for it.

It won't be done by power or by might. But the life changing thing which will be conceived and birthed forth through you can only be produced by the Spirit of the living God as He comes upon you and overshadows you so that God's purposes can be fulfilled.

Mary was just a vessel. A channel through which God sent His son into the Earth.

She had the unique privilege of yielding her body so that Jesus could be born in the Earth and declare the name of the Father. (Revealing and showing the world who God is. )That which will be born of you in this hour will be birthed through you so that the true and living God can be revealed.

Let Him overshadow you. And believe that God said it would be born and get in agreement with Him. You, just as Mary did, MUST BELIEVE GOD.

Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:45 NKJV)

God is going to get all of the glory.

Prayer: Father, thank you for choosing me to birth and produce something life changing. I ask you to give me grace to trust you and your word and not what I see. May you get all of the glory through my life.

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Author: Pamela Bell

Pastor Pamela Bell is a passionate, lover of God, who desires to see God's people walk in the knowledge of who they are in Christ. She resides in Mobile, AL and serves as an Elder at her church, Gulf Coast Christian Center. Pastor Pamela enjoys reading, spending time with friends and all things chocolate.


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