The Ultimate Planner

I’m a planner.

A perpetual list maker.

Calendars are my best friends.

So imagine my struggle with allowing God to take care of the details of my life when I have the tendency to want to plan everything. Praise God for the Holy Spirit, Who with such grace and ease has been teaching me how to cast my cares on Him.

Can you relate? I think as women, we innately have this desire to know with certainty what our lives will look like in the future. We want concrete answers and concrete plans.

This is especially true when we face situations that seem impossible. When things don’t make sense, we automatically enter survival mode. When the chaos doesn’t match the dreams that God has placed in our hearts, we try to figure Him out.

Even worse, when we don’t understand what God is doing, we often try to get out of situations in our own strength. This puts us in danger of making a counterfeit promise come to pass just as Abraham initiated the birth of Ishmael in Genesis.

Ladies, I have learned that God doesn’t work this way.

He’s more in the business of total reliance on Him.

“Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.” (1 Peter 5:7 AMP)

God is showing me that when I try and figure Him out, this only leaves me anxious and fearful - everything opposite of what Christ has promised.

When we cast our cares on Him, we are left with a peace that permeates every fiber of our being. It’s easier said than done, but definitely possible with God’s help. Resting in the truth that we can give every concern and unfulfilled plan to Him because He loves us and actually cares is golden.

Your affectionate Father has such a passion to see everything about you reflect His beauty and goodness, that there is no way He would ever leave your life in chaos. He loves you way too fiercely.

God is a planner too.

The Ultimate Planner.

He is not confused about you.

God knows exactly where you are in life. You are right on schedule if your heart is surrendered to Him. He is orchestrating and bringing everything together for you in such a precise way that only He could do it. He is perfecting everything that concerns you - every worry and care.

Allow God to speak peace into the chaos of your life as only He can. It may look crazy right now, and you might not understand what’s happening, but know without a shadow of a doubt that your steps are being ordered by the Maker of your path.

Choose peace, and stop trying to figure God out. His ways and thoughts are higher. I can guarantee you that His plans for you are better than anything you could concoct on your own. He has already figured everything out for you. He knows the end from the beginning.

Our plans and aspirations are wonderful, but God determines the outcome.

Surrender your plans to Him, and I promise He will surprise you…in a good way!

“So, surrender! Stand silent and stop your striving, and you will see that I am God!”

(Psalm 46:10 TPT)

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined
what God has prepared
for those who love him.”

(1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT)

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About the Author :

Endya Joy is a young woman on the journey to becoming a future physician. With a passion for ministering to girls and young women, she desires to be a vessel in which God uses to heal the whole person. She is a girly girl, has a slight obsession with books, and dreams of traveling the world one day. God and family are everything.

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