Limitless Love

Did you know that the Epitome of love relentlessly pursues you? The One who remains higher than each morning sunrise and every star in the sky reaches down and washes over you with an infinite serving of His love- every passing day.

This is an incredibly beautiful truth that I decided to meditate on for quite some time late Thursday night.

I started to envision my physical self in the divine presence of God.

There I was, on my knees in a beautiful meadow of all colors, reaching out to God and waiting to feel His warm embrace. All of a sudden, everything starts to get brighter- so bright that not even squinting enables me to see. I comfortably close my eyes and smile, knowing that my God is reaching down for me. I get off of my knees and stand up, hands still in the air. I'm on my tiptoes, eyes still shut and arms still reaching as high as my fingertips can go.

"Come, child. Walk with me."

There He is.

He grabs a hold of my hand and squeezes it tight. I can feel His touch.

"I am here, not just now, not just today, but everyday. I am with you always, My darling. Hold on to me and accept this invitation that you have received to walk with Me with each new day. I love you, Emily Lauren. I love you. I love you. I love you, My child. Hold on to Me, My daughter."

And then it's quiet. I open my eyes- no squinting necessary- with a renewed heart full of my Father's love for me. I dance for joy in the meadow and shout praise to the King who has made my heart sing songs of adoration and praise.

For the next few moments, I want to invite you to close your eyes and imagine your Heavenly Father smiling down on you as He welcomes you into His presence with the warmest greeting you could ever possibly imagine. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and simply be still. Take all the time that you need to do this. Once you are done, you may continue to read on.

What you just imagined is the greeting that is extended to you every morning as you open your eyes to another God given day. Because God loves you that much.

And there is absolutely nothing you can say, nor a thing that you can do in order to be excluded from this divine invitation. Nothing.

I think about my life and the massive piles of dirt that were once so high I couldn't even see over them, and with that in mind I can't help but ask myself, "How can my God be this good to me? How on earth can He love me this much?"

But He is that good- not because we deserve it, but because God is the Epitome of love. After all He's done for you, He still desires a loving relationship with you.

He made YOU.
He chose YOU.
He loves YOU.

We do not serve a God who keeps His attention focused on the number of sins we make. We serve a God who keeps His undivided attention on His relationship with us. He delights in us, with a longing to be pursued in return. He is always there, regardless of whether or not we welcome His presence. The worst thing that you could ever do for yourself is push Him away. God wants to take care of you, so let Him. Don't waste your time trying to show God to the door. Welcome Him, embrace Him, and live out of the place of rest that He provides for you. There is no one that could take any better care of you than the God who equips you and supplies you with what He knows you need. This is your God, and He delights in you
The beautiful and vast love that we receive from God everyday is the foundation of His spiritual temples (our bodies). We were created in the image of God, and that image is love. Love. Live out this image! Love God, love others, and love yourself. God's love has no limits, so why should yours? Don't restrict your love. Love is the greatest gift that you could ever give someone. Let your life be the proof of His love.

"If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.

If I speak God's word with power, revealing all of His mysteries and making everything as plain as day, and if I have faith to say to a mountain jump and it jumps but I don't love, I'm nothing.

If I give all I earn to the poor or even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love I've gotten nowhere.

So, no matter what I say, no matter what I believe, no matter what I do, I'm bankrupt without love."

-For King & Country

Love is our helping hand, our guide, our everything. Love is the beautiful river that flows through us all. Love is our Savior's name stitched across every ounce of our hearts. It is not proud, it does not boast. Love is being accepted for who we are in the presence of Christ- broken, ashamed, guilty, and all- as He wipes off our dirt. It redeems and it sanctifies us. Love is the set of hands that created us. Love is being held in those same hands. Love is sacrifice. Love is selflessness. Love is what makes life worth living; it is our reason to live. Love sustains and it provides. If we aren't experiencing God's love, we aren't fully living. To know God is to know love, because God is, and forever will be love. And this love never fails.

Without love, we are nothing.

Learn to love people more, friend or enemy.

Show love.

Be love.

And let your heart sing no other name but the Epitome of love Himself, Jesus.

" Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4:8-11 (NIV)

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About the Author :

Emily Townsend is a 20 year old southern girl who has a heart for loving Jesus, loving others, and serving the world. She is currently pursuing a career in ministry as she continues to fall madly in love with Jesus by the day. Emily is also obsessed with books, coffee, koalas, Pinterest, Pilates, and weddings. Her daily dose of life consists of a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. You can also find her blogging on her personal blog The Joy of My Joy.

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