Chase God

I woke up this morning and the first visual that was present in my mind was the ChaseGodtv symbol. If you do not know about ChaseGodtv, it is an awesome ministry that was started by a brother named Joseph Solomon. There is so much to his ministry but in a nutshell, his music, webisodes, poetry, and more, share struggles and experiences that we often deal with as believers. I have never met or seen him perform live, but I and many of my friends, have definitely been inspired, in so many ways, by the work that Christ is doing in his life; all through the Internet.

As I was saying before, I woke up with this symbol on my mind, and it showed up in the form of an instagram notification that said, chasegodtv started following you. At this moment, I jumped up to look at my phone and check my instagram notifications only to find that the image I saw in my mind was not real. I said to God, "What's up with that Lord?" Why did I see this chaseGodtv notification and symbol? In that moment, God said to me in a very sweet and subtle way, "I am following you, but you are not chasing after me." All I could do was laugh.

The Lord also shared with me that he knew that this would get my attention, because he knew how much I loved the ChaseGodtv ministry. When He said this, it only emphasized what that ministry and our walk with Christ is all about. We are not supposed to just be followers of a ministry but followers of Christ. Chasing after Him daily.

It is hard enough when there are instances where you feel that you do not fit in. Sometimes, there is not a place for you in your own day, let alone God. We have countless activities going on, and so many demands and agendas to fulfill. We get lost trying to identify ourselves in our daily schedules instead of in the one who created us.

I have been guilty of this, especially when I get overwhelmed. In those moments, I am not looking to God; I am looking for what I can achieve throughout the day to be my guide.

I am looking forward to seeing how much I get done to measure who I am as a person. When we do this, we lose sight of God. It is the feeling that you are standing still to gather your focus, but things continue to move around you in a blur. There is no clarity that would give you a clear point of where to start.

Sometimes I have such a hard time aligning myself with God because I am not looking to him for guidance, I am looking to myself. Why not look to God, the one who has the manual with all the instructions.

I think sometimes we want to be our own saviors.

We want him to follow us along while we make our mistakes and fix them, but we do not want to chase after him so that the problem is not just fixed but there is a change in character.

My pastor shared this, " Quite often we call upon God to ease our pain without wanting him to change our character."

The book of James says, "But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it." (James 1:22-25 NLT)

It is hard being a follower if you are not a true believer. If you are not a believer, what you see and hear leaves you when you walk away; just like the scripture above shares. We forget who are in the face of adversity and life's circumstances when we do not know who and whose we are.

I am reminded today that I am first a child of God, chasing after him daily and then a follower of a ministry; because I chase after God, I can after that be blessed by the purpose of a ministry, such as chasegodtv.

About the Author :

Francine E. Ott is truly thankful to have a relationship with God and is seeking Him daily for guidance and any opportunities to walk closer with Him in truth and love. Francine is a choreographer/dancer, teacher, and soon to be counselor who has a heart to see God's transforming power, renew, restore, and heal the minds, souls, and bodies of people's lives.

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