10 Ways To Make Your Life About Others

Guest post by Allison Vesterfelt

Me, Myself and I.

My guess is that most of us spend most of our lives thinking mostly about ourselves, which is not altogether inappropriate. It is our responsibility to take care of ourselves, after all. No one else is going to do it for us. One of the great tragedies of adulthood is that no one is going to help me figure out what I am going to eat or what I’m going to wear and how I’m going to pay my bills. But since thinking about myself rarely comes as much of a challenge, and since my life is always more satisfying when I think about more than just me, here are a couple of ideas for how we can think a little less about ourselves and a little more about those around us.

1. Buy coffee for the person in line behind you. Seriously, just turn around after you order and say, “and whatever he/she is having too.” It might be a little awkward for a minute, but it will be worth it. It will make their day (and yours) a little more interesting.

2. Buy gift cards for food or beverages and keep them in your glove box of your car. Then, the next time you see someone asking for money on the side of the road, you have something (besides cash) to offer.

3. Bake something for a friend or neighbor. We do this in the month of December, but what about the rest of the year? It doesn’t have to be cookies or cake. Try a healthy recipe for Banana Nut Muffins or a loaf of homemade bread.

4. Put down your phone when you’re in line at the post office or coffee shop or the grocery store. I know. You’re busy and you have people to talk to, but try talking to your barista or cashier or post off clerk instead. Tell her thank you for bagging your groceries or giving you extra whipped cream. Ask her about her day.

5. Leave encouraging notes in places where your roommate or family member or spouse will find them. The notes don’t have to be sappy or profound. They can just say something like, “I think you’re amazing!” or “I believe in you.”

6. Give something away. Is there something that you already have that someone else needs? Or wants? Consider giving it to them. Maybe you like it or need it or want it too, but give it away anyway. Getting radical with giving rarely fails to produce positive results. Give it a try. I bet you won’t regret it.

7. Write thank-you notes. More than just the expected birthday and Christmas thank-yous, write a note to a friend thanking her for her great advice, or to your boss for supporting you in a specific way. Saying it is one thing, but writing it is more permanent, more powerful. Notes are an easy and inexpensive way to make a person’s day.

8. Be generous in your tipping. Give double what you would normally tip to your waitress or barista, not because you have to, but because you can. Or, if you’re feeling a little strapped for cash, just ask to speak with a manager and give a nice compliment.

9. Ask the question, “What do you need?” Sometimes we hesitate to ask this question because we’re afraid it is too direct. But the truth is that everyone has needs, and some of them are really easy to meet. Maybe a hug or a pat on the back could be the key to making your friends’ or daughter’s or dad’s day. You’ll never know unless you ask them!
10. Become a sponsor. Or a big brother or sister. Sponsor a child through Compassion International or another similar organization. Or, if you can’t make the financial commitment right now, consider mentoring someone younger. A niece or a nephew if you have one; or connect with a Brothers & Sisters organization in your area. The truth is that there are a thousand ways to reach out; don’t limit yourself to these! Use this list as a starting point and come up with more ideas to be kind to other people.                

Thanksgiving Sweets To Go

By Carmen Miller

Thanksgiving Day is almost here! You are either preparing to cook an extravagant meal, perfect with all the fixings or you may be passing on the kitchen chaos to visit friends and family. 

We all like to be sure that we bring a special and memorable dish. Here are a few ideas to help you decide what to take this year. I've gathered some of my favorite recipes online that I will be sure to try!

*Click on image to be taken to recipe*

Pumpkin Cake Pops

Paula's Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars with Streusel Topping


Whoopie Pumpkin Pies

Pecan Pumpkin Crunch

Gingerbread Cupcakes With Caramelized Mango Buttercream

Pumpkin Bars

Is He Pushing You Towards Christ, or Towards the Bedroom?

Ask yourself: "Why do I want to date this person? What need do I have that this person can fulfill? Can he or she encourage me to go to my next level in God?" - Juanita Bynum (No More Sheets)

You notice every time you break-up with someone, you end up right back in the arms of yet another? 

That was the cycle in my life for years. Jumping from relationship to relationship was the norm for me. It went a little like this:

He complimented me. I melted and followed behind like I was super thirsty. We exchanged numbers. Clothes came off, before he asked my last name (if he even asked). Sometimes did that last one a few more times, and then he kept it moving.

There were even times I asked myself, "How can this guy just leave like that? I really went in, in bed!" Can you believe that? I actually would feel if I pulled out some magic sex tricks from my hat, he would stick around. I realized all too soon that it didn't matter if I worked it like I was some Rythmic Gymnist champion in the Olympics, his plans were never to stay. Yet, and still I continued to throw my body and my heart around like they had no value. I would ask myself why these men mistreated me, and blamed each of them for hurting me, and breaking my heart, but I was the only one to blame.

Why should he respect your body and heart, if you don't? You treat your heart like it isn't the crucial source to your physical living. You abuse and neglect it. Then when a man comes into your life and does the same, you blame him! But in fact you are to blame. You gave it to him.

That's how we treat God. He is the heart to our spiritual living. When we have a relationship with Christ, he beats inside of us. But when we don't have God, we don't have direction. And that's when we end up all over the place. Just a big hot mess, lost and alone.

What you need to realize is that, when you haven't let Christ heal and restore you, you leave yourself open and raw. The enemy continues to place people in your life that you think you need at that moment. He places a guy finer then the last guy in your path. A guy sweeter than the last. By the time you know it, you are all in-love again, and gave your heart away. . . again.

When are you going to stop this cycle! When will you realize that you will never find healing in man? Being restored and renewed is a supernatural act, that no human being is capable of doing. You will not find love, if you have not found God. No man will ever love you second, if he ain't loving Christ first!

The enemy targets a broken and needy heart. He thrives and survives on your pain, hurt and tears. He will continue to send you a false and cheap imitation of love. They will be fine, sexy, and put it on you in bed, and just rock your world—that's the problem. If you continue to let your emotions control your life, they will eventually destroy you.

It may look good, feel good, and taste good. But that doesn't mean it's good. And other times it can be good, but is it GOD? Did you seek guidance and direction from God that led you to where you are at, or did you seek direction from your emotions? If your life is in shambles right now, because of your choices , God ain't no where in there!

If you are a Christian woman, and you are dating, ask yourself, "Where do I see this going?" and "Why, am I dating Him?" Keep in mind, that if a man doesn't know Christ, he doesn't know love. Therefore, he can never love you, or anyone else for that matter.

Give your heart time to heal. Seek God out and give your heart and body to Him. Until your future husband comes, focus on falling in-love with Jesus. Stop letting your flesh get the best of you, and start wanting the best for you. Christ.

Stop complaining that all you attract are, "no-good men." Instead, ask yourself what is it about you that attracts those no-good men. What vibe are you giving off? If you are meeting men and jumping into bed with them the next day, what do expect?

God's best for you cannot be birthed out of your best for you! When you have disconnected yourself from God, your vision becomes obscured. That is why the Bible clearly tells us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding an in all our ways submit to him, and he will make our paths straight. (Prov. 3:5-6)

Is this man practicing integrity and self-control every day? He should be pushing you closer to Christ. And if he says he's a Christian, but you notice you are opening your legs more than your Bible, then you need to run. No, better yet, you need to flee
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. - 1 Corinthians 6:18

God has a unique purpose for you and it needs to be fulfilled—It will be fulfilled. This is your time. But God cannot work with you, or through you, if you continue to play the devil's games.

Make a vow to yourself and Christ that as of today, you will no longer sleep with the enemy. Don't just hear everyone tell you what you need, and what you deserve— start wanting the same for yourself. Love yourself enough, and respect yourself enough to let go of the hurt and pain that keeps you from living a life full of joy and not temporary happiness. Let God do a work in you. Let Him create in you a pure heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within you (Ps. 51:10).

When we begin to let God into our lives we begin to see things clearly. We begin to see that what we thought was good, was just a trick from the devil. But what is truly good and pure comes from our Father. Give your heart to the One that will protect and appreciate it. God loves you so much, and has a plan for your life. No man will ever complete you, when he didn't create you to begin with.

No man will ever give you worth or value. Christ has already given that to you.

So get off your back, and get in the Word!

Today, start dating Jesus Christ, and discover what a true gentleman He is.

Carmen Miller spent her life searching for empty substitutes for God. She tried to find her worth, value, and identity in things and men, only to be left empty and broken. Today, she shares her story of brokenness and the love Jesus relentlessly showed her. A wife, a mom, writer and a lover of her Creator, she is passionate about the body of Christ and being set free from the bondage's that hinder our walk with Christ. Follow her on Twitter @carmendmiller.

Making Peace with Proverbs 31

The Proverbs 31 woman is slightly daunting for the modern woman. A woman who gets up early only to have her entire life revolve around sewing, cooking, cleaning, and bearing children? To be honest, it doesn’t sound very appealing. And, how am I supposed to be a Proverbs 31 woman if I don’t even have a family yet?

Not unlike the world’s false standards of “beauty” that we fall short of, God seems to have provided for us yet another impossible standard that we could never measure up to. Why even bother to try?

We find ourselves picking only the verses we like, and leaving out the rest. “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future.” Hmm. I see this quoted a lot. Who doesn’t want to be clothed with strength and dignity? This girl seems fashionable and fun! Why not be that girl and leave the rest?

Because God’s word is not a menu for us to pick and choose from. It is all or nothing.

Let’s see what this woman is really all about…

Who can find a virtuous woman?

What does that even mean? The word for “virtuous” here actually means, “strength, might, valor, and power.” It is the same word used to describe David when God had chosen Him to be king. This Proverbs 31 woman is to have the heroic strength that led David to kill lions and bears, and lead armies into the battles of the Lord to destroy the Lord’s enemies. She is to let nothing stand in the way of God’s purposes in her life. She possesses the strength of God in all she does, and claims His victory over the world.

“God made me a girl. And He did that on purpose. But He asks me to become the kind of girl who is actually useful to His kingdom purposes. I need to become the sort of girl who is unafraid to poke my head into the battle of the ages and cry out, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who is blaspheming the armies of the living God?” God wants me to wrestle. God wants to stick grit in my girliness. He wants me to be prepared to tangle, to interlock my soul in this eternal combat—- not with other girls, not with sweaty boys, but with Him, and with the otherworldly powers of darkness. He wants me to wrestle in prayer, to grab ahold of His great and precious promises and fight to see them unfurled in living reality on this Earth.” -Leslie Ludy

So, the Proverbs 31 woman does more than cook dinner on time and keep a spotless house? She is busy serving the Lord. She does her work with her hands unto the Lord, and not unto men. She serves the Lord to the best of her ability in every capacity that she is called. She has compassion on others, seeks to help others, and is kind in all she does. Others are proud to know her and honored by her friendship.

She maketh herself coverings of tapestry, and her clothing is silk and purple.

This girl takes care of herself, and presents herself with grace and dignity for her Lord. She does not neglect her appearance in the name of “spirituality,” nor does she draw attention to herself with her body. She possesses the set-apart femininity that God has cultivated inside of her, and dresses accordingly to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ. We can literally get up, get dressed, put our makeup on to the glory of the Lord, and to present ourselves with grace and dignity to others in His name.

Strength and honor are her clothing.

There is that word again, STRENGTH. As women, we often feel as though we are supposed to be quiet and controlled by everyone around us. We feel constantly “Shhh’d.” The Bible says we are supposed to be of a “meek and quiet spirit.”

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting of the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:3-4

That does not mean that we are to have NO personality, and we are supposed keep our heads down and not speak to people. That would be the opposite of honoring to God.It simply means that we are to adorn ourselves on the inside and place value on that above all else. We are to have a graceful, selfless attitude so that we do not draw vain attention to ourselves so that others will constantly see the beauty of Jesus Christ in our lives, and speech, and actions. It is possible to have a friendly, outgoing personality AND the gentle, selfless spirit that God considers of great price.

“When He [God] talks of their losing their selves, He means only abandoning the clamour of self-will; once they have done that, He really gives them back all their personality, and boasts (I am afraid, sincerely) that when they are wholly His they will be more themselves than ever.” -C.S. Lewis, [The Screwtape Letters]

She will rejoice in time to come.

God has given us so many promises to take care of those who walk uprightly and seek to please Him in all that they do. When we are looking to Him to fulfill His promises we can walk in His peace and His strength. The strength that the Proverbs 31 woman exudes is not in and of herself. It is from the mighty hands of God. Because of our trust in His strength and not our own, we can attempt to live lives that other women would not even attempt. So often, we expect far too little of our great and mighty God.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phillipians 4:13

Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

When people think of this woman, they think of Jesus. She is praised not because of her own beauty, but because she is clothed with HIS beauty and HIS strength and HIS honor. When God is given His rightful place in our lives, then He can transform our personalities and everything He made in us to reflect His beauty and grace.

We are not called to live holy lives on our own. We could never do it. We are called to live in His strength though so that the world can look at us and say, “There is no way that she is doing all that in her own strength.” When we show the world His strength instead of trying to measure up on our own, we can draw attention to Him through our lives.

Her price is far above rubies.

The Proverbs 31 woman remembers the price that was paid for her- a price far above the most costly vanities of earth. Jesus Christ bought and paid for her with His precious blood. He did not pay this price only for her salvation. He bought her very soul. She belongs to God, and through this transaction, she is enabled to live a valiant, virtuous life through the strength of Jesus. When she is completely abandoned to her Savior, she can showcase not her own, but HIS strength, and beauty, and grace.

It is time that we stop shying away from things that seem too hard or too big to measure up to. It is time we embrace the strength of our Savior so that we may can be marked with the valor of Proverbs 31. It is time that we as women embrace the example of Proverbs 31, and live a life in the strength and dignity of our Savior for His glory.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.

She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

She is like the merchants’ ships; she bringeth her food from afar.

She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.

She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.

She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.

She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.

She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.

She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.

She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.

Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.

Lauren DeMoss is a 26 year old teacher at a Christian school in New England. Having grown up in a christian home, she knows the struggles of christian girls and the pull of the world on their hearts. By God’s grace, she also knows the peace and love of a life given completely to Jesus Christ. Through her writing, she desires to point people to Jesus, encourage, and inspire her generation and the next to be fully abandoned to their Savior. It is really all about Him.

Beauty Food: Oatmeal

By Carmen Miller

I love oatmeal! I love eating it all year long, but there's something about Fall, that makes it taste even yummier. I love this time of year, but even the crisp cold air can take it's toll on our skin. Did you know that oatmeal isn't just for breakfast anymore? It is great for your skin as well, and has become the latest skincare ingredient used by many women today.

Oatmeal is full of phytonutrients and antioxidants, that can actually help the healing process of your body, skin, and will keep you glowing and looking youthful. Oatmeal is also great for treating acne, itchy skin rashes like poison ivy.

When oatmeal is ground up, it can be used as a great and natural exfoliator.

Here is an amazing and inexpensive way to start giving your skin some love this fall, right in the comfort of your own home. Forget the beauty counter and make your own oatmeal skincare treatment.

DIY: Apple Exfoliating Mask

2 tbsp. of Rolled oats
1 1/2 tsp. of cornmeal
1 tbsp. of honey
1/2 an apple (peeled and cut in chunks)

HOW TO: Mash the oats, cornmeal, and honey into a thick paste with a fork. Combine with the apple pieces in a food processor or blender until it is smooth. Apply in a circular motion on your face and then let it sit for about 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

The juice from the apples help to tighten and tone your skin, while the honey (which contains natural anti-microbial properties) and oatmeal work together to calm irritated and inflamed skin.

What are some of your favorite, natural skin treatments?

Comfy Chic Travel Style

Guest post by Natalie Borton

Note from the Editor: This post was originally published on the Glitter Guide by Natalie. We thought our readers would find it this post helpful and on time for the holiday season. You can read the full article here or there

Do you have any travel plans this holiday season? If so, you'll likely enjoy my recent fashion post for Glitter Guide, which is all about traveling in comfort with style. Click the image above to be taken to the original article, and scroll down to see where you can buy some of my favorite comfy-chic travel items.

Use the arrows to navigate through each set of items, and click on any image to be taken to the site where you can purchase it...

1. Layered Look
This is a fun way to travel, especially if your final destination is a chilly one!

2. Scarf Style
Since the scarf is really the star of this style, I've chosen 5 similar blanket-like scarves for you to try.

3. Hat Head
Hats are especially helpful for hiding unwashed hair for an early morning trip—or even for disguising travel hair, which tends to look less than its best on-the-go.

4. Sweater & Leggings
Leggings are my go-to travel pants. I love the combination of a comfy, stretchy pair of leggings with a more sophisticated button down and sweater.

5. Jeans & Button Down
The key to this look is stretch. Nobody wants to sit on a plane in tight, unforgiving denim.
6. Denim With A Pop
The best part about this outfit is the playfulness of the bold lip. While I'm more of a jewelry girl myself, wearing jewelry is a bit of a no-no when flying (hello metal detector!). Thus, the lipstick does what a statement necklace would—without setting off any alarms.

What do you like to wear when you travel?

Natalie is a lover of the written word, avocados, beach picnics and champagne. She lives in San Diego with her hilarious and charming husband Brian and scruffy puppy Maggie, and is a Managing Editor for Darling Magazine. In all she does, she strives to inspire and empower women to live healthy, confident lives of true beauty. See more of her work at www.natalielynnborton.com, and find her blogging at www.thoughtsbynatalie.com.

Growing Up

By Nikki Johnson

I’m not ready. Nope. I’m not. Ugh. Ok, so my son received four emails over the weekend from colleges expressing their interest in him.  My phone rang and all I heard was “MOM!!!!!”  I thought something terribly drastic happened in the 10 minutes that passed, since I left my house.  Bless his heart.  He was so excited. He was talking so fast I had to ask him twice what happened.  He read each email to me. They were form letters that I’m sure are sent to all students who bubble in the space on those standardized tests to indicate they are interested in attending an institution of higher learning.  While I was excited that he was excited, I became keenly aware that my baby is not my baby anymore.

I am a single parent who actually enjoys the parenting process.  And while I understand that parenting never stops, it does change and transition in dimensions.  My son and I are close but he is by no means a “mama’s boy”.  We have different interests and are not joined at the hip.  The idea of him going away for school is not the scariest part for me.  The scariest part is that he is growing up and maturing into all that I have prayed for him to be.  What do you do when your prayers are answered?

For the longest time, my only identity has been “Nic’s Mom”.  That’s what the kids in elementary school used to call me.  I did not have a name until I began teaching the 1-5 year olds at church.  Now, I’m “Ms. Nikki”.  I thank God that He has kept us this far. The challenges have been great.  We’ve grown and matured together. My son makes me a better person. He makes me learn patience and compassion.  Those are graces and gifts that he walks in. Please believe that those are not things that I’ve taught him.  He came here from the heart of God with the ability to love unconditionally, walk with people who are not like him, and endure the challenges of a chronic health condition with a smile and sense of humor unrivaled.  This new phase of life is scary.

While change is constant, I am not always prepared for it when it happens. I am having a full on confrontation with the reality that my son is becoming a man, full of truth and revelation and growing in the things of God.  I can totally relate to Mary, the mother of Jesus.  I wish I could ask her a few questions. "Mary, did you know that your baby boy would someday walk on water?" OK, so I won’t sing today, but that is totally how I am feeling.

My best friend looked me straight in my eyes, yesterday, as I shared my distress and her words of comfort were “it goes by fast too…”  I know that she loves me, but she was no help at all.  Her only child just left for her first year of college, so I expected for her to share my angst.  I guess I have to put on my big girl pants and suck it up.  I want to whine and fight and moan and groan about how I am so not ready for this but no one in my life will let me. I have to grow up. Selah.

Single parenthood is an assignment. Anybody who says different is a LIAR. While all parenting requires sacrifice, single parenting requires a double portion of grace, mercy, love, patience, kindness, and time.  I have faced the fact that I am one person and that being Superwoman is not a part of the job description. Single parenting has required a level of flexibility and adaptation to change that most do not have an opportunity to experience. I do a great job. I am by no means perfect, nor do I have all of the answers.  I am making up the answers as I go along most of the time. Through clear biblical instruction, I flow whichever way the Holy Spirit leads and I don’t always know where we are going to end up. Sometimes I get it and other times I miss it.

The fun part is the adventure of it all and knowing that if we get lost, God’s GPS works. He knows how to find us and put us back on the right track. Planning is a key part of my parenting process; however, even in planning, I’ve learned not to be rigid and inflexible because life can be unpredictable.  At the end of the day, I am satisfied with the reality that while the work of molding a life may be a dual function, it should be singular in focus to say that “God is God” above all.  In that, we are growing, maturing, shaping, enduring, overcoming, achieving and giving God the glory in the process.

Fashion + Compassion | Hiip: Helping Individuals in Passing

Guest Post by Allie Marie Smith 

NOTE FROM THE EDITORS: This article was originally published at Know Your Value, for theFashion + Compassion Series. We thought our WHOLE readers would enjoy Allie's series as well. You can read the full article here or there

I’m so exited to introduce you to my dear friend Nicole Flowers and feature her brand new line of cute bags, called Hiip, which give back. Nicole and I met at Pepperdine (which is where Wonderfully Made originally started!) and she is one of the most dynamic, hilarious and inspiring girls I know.

Hiip, which stands for “helping individuals in passing,” is a line of hip bags that give back to the community. Hiip bags are kind of like sexy fanny packs, but they can be worn five different ways, and for each bag sold, Nicole and her team give a hip kit (think of it as a survival bag of sorts) to a homeless person in need.

The Hiip Story Nicole had an idea to produce a new and improved hip bag, instead of a purse that women would proudly wear around—not only because it would be stylish and redefined but because it gave back. “I started hiip with the local community in mind because they are so often overlooked by passers-by…” says Nicole.

Compassion: How it Helps

For every hiip bag you purchase, a hiip kit is hand-given to a person in need on the streets. Each kit is loaded with shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, socks, lip balm, and sunscreen. Learn more about the heart behind hiip here.

Fashion: Why They’re Hot The bags are pretty fashion-forward and can be worn five way: As a hip bag (hands and shoulders free!), messenger bag style, over the shoulder, as a hand-held purse, or as a clutch if you take the strap out. The bags come in multiple styles: solid canvas, striped canvas, faux leather, patterned, and soon to come sparkle and waterproof canvas (for gals on the go!)

Get Involved...

Buy a bag! I just purchased the Sunset bag in Army Canvas and can’t wait to take it on my trip to Israel and Egypt – it will be perfect for traveling. And I might have to get the upcoming waterproof one for my stand-up-paddling adventures!

Help with a Hiip Handout. If you live in San Francisco, you can sign up to be involved in a hiipHandout and meet other community-minded folks to help pass them out. Email hello@hiipsf.com to get involved. Hiip has big dreams and hopes to expand their efforts to more cities in the future.

Spread the word! Like hiip’s facebook pagepin their bags and tell your friends!

A self-described "ragamuffin girl," Allie Marie Smith serves as the Founder and Executive Director of Wonderfully Made. She is a speaker and an award-winning author, having co-authored both books in the Wonderfully Made series: Healthy Eating and Abundant Living andBecoming Who You Are in Christ. She is also the developer of the Body Beautiful iPhone app for true beauty and confidence. Allie is open and honest about her encounter with severe depression—a testimony of God's faithfulness and redemption. She lives near Santa Barbara with her husband Paul where they enjoy surfing up and down the California coast. You can follow her on Twitter at@alliemariesmith.

You Get a New Name

Have you ever read something that resonates so loudly within your heart that it just stops you in your tracks? This morning I’m having one of those moments where I feel compelled to sit down and pour my heart out. Though the pace and schedule for today is hectic, I absolutely cannot continue through the motions of the day without capturing a snapshot of the vital truth that has so pierced my heart.

This morning I was reading in John 1 where Jesus called His first disciples to follow Him. I was absolutely floored when I discovered that in the very first interaction Jesus had with Simon, He changed His name to Peter. There was no getting to know each other casual conversation, no parables, no teachings or commands to come and follow Him. What a prime example of, first things first. Jesus simply identified Simon by His man given name, and then said, “…You will be called Cephas.” (Which translates to Peter). (John 1:42)

When I read this I promptly read the study notes on the bottom portion of my Bible and saw that it is noted that Peter means “rock.” It’s also mentioned that Peter was anything but a rock. He was impulsive. Careless. Unstable. Unpredictable. Inconsistent. In other words, Jesus named Him not for what He was, but for what by God’s grace He would become.

Seriously, reading this, made my heart leap for joy!

If you’ve made a commitment to follow Him, He has renamed you! Not for who you are, but for who you will become.

You may have once been named wounded, He calls you healed!

You may have once been named prisoner, He calls you free!

You may have once been named trashed, He calls you treasured!

You may have once been named neglected, He calls you child!

When you meet Jesus— you get a new name. Immediately. One cannot meet such a Savior and remain unchanged! I’m thankful that the Maker of the Universe, knows me intimately enough, to change my name...not because of who I am….but because of who I will become by His grace!

A book I once read, translated our names in Christ in a way I will never forget… may my new name always be, “I am NOT…but I know I AM.”

by Christina Stolaas

Test the Spirit

1 John 4:1 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone into the world.”

A few days ago, I met a guy in passing. He offered his business card for me to give him a call. The business card was for some sort of entertainment business, but no clear indication of what type of entertainment. If you know me, then you know I’m interested in the entertainment industry. However, immediately once I read the card, I said out loud to myself, “I ain’t no hooker!” I have no idea why that thought came to mind, but just reading the card immediately annoyed me. Later that night, I decided to call, just to see if my female intuition was on point. Prior to calling, I had a quick discussion with God. I said, “Look God, I need to know by the end of this conversation what this guy is about, I don’t have time for this.”

The phone conversation lasted exactly 3 minutes. Within those 3 minutes he was trying to figure out how he could come see me and get a back massage. Really? I told him I don’t do all that! I shut all of that down and told him to have a nice evening and a nice life.

You have to test the spirit! Otherwise, you will end up with another broken heart filled with disappointment and sadness. I don’t have time for that and I’m sure most of you singles don’t either! God was revealing this guys spirit to me once I received the card; it had lust all over it. What may have looked promising was not! There are many spirits listening in on your conversations about your dreams and aspirations, but only One has your best interest at hand and that’s the Spirit of God!

John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

Earlier that day, I was speaking to a co-worker about my preference in dating southern men, which you will rarely find in Northern California. This so-called entertainment guy I met was from Atlanta, Georgia. Really? Out of all the men in California, I met a southern guy in the entertainment business? Had I not been in tuned with God, I could easily mistake these “signs” to mean God sent him to me! The enemy will send you signs as well. You have to test the spirit.

1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, “but test everything that is said, hold on to what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.”

Many times we see what we want to see, or believe that we are receiving messages from God, when in reality we are receiving attacks from the enemy. He knows what you’ve asked God for because you continuously focus on your next relationship, job, ministry, financial breakthrough, or whatever you’ve made your top priority. You can ask God for anything, but you can’t make it your main focus, because the enemy will definitely use your requests as a way to enter in and throw you off track. It’s okay to work hard, plan ahead, and succeed; however, you have to allow God to become your main focus.

Psalms 37: 4-5, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of the heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and he shall bring it to pass.”

Get in tuned with God and He will direct your steps whether it’s as simple as a phone call or a major move in your life. He wants to be able to help you through every situation you will encounter. He knows you and he knows the spirit that operates in those trying to come against you. You have the upper hand in everything you will ever face because you have the Spirit of God working within you and around you. If you can’t figure something out, ask God. He will reveal himself to you and give you the best advise because he loves you. In order to test the spirit, you have to know the only right Spirit … the Spirit of the Almighty God!

1 John 4:1-6 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And his is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and is now already in the world. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.”

Godly Reminder: Galatians 5:16, “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.


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