Nothing Can Separate

by Chelsie Johnson

I’m a word type of girl. I love reading quotes, lyrics, and scripture that I can relate to at the present time. Recently, there has been a song that whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed or overly busy I start quietly singing, “Nothing can separate. Even if I ran away. Your love never fails.

No, I don’t intentionally run away from God, but I do find myself getting too caught up in other things that I don’t make time for Him. I’m a full time student, nanny, daughter, girlfriend, friend, and sister. I shouldn’t use those as excuses to not have time for God, but can I be honest? Yes, there are times when I get so caught up in the things going on around me that by the end of the day I feel deprived of my time with God. There have many times I have to take my devotion into the bathroom with me and just sit on the counter and pour over it. At a stoplight, I’ve pulled up my Bible app and read over a couple scriptures. Recently, I started hanging scriptures up around my house with the hopes of changing them weekly, but it doesn’t always get done. I can get frustrated with myself for not spending more time with God. 

I’m reminded in Romans 8:31-39 (MSG) What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?  As it is written:

For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 

It’s so encouraging to know that no matter how busy we get, no matter how much homework we have, how much time we have to take care of our loves ones-that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. 

Sisters, I challenge you, in your days ahead, to make it a point to have that time with Christ. If you feel like your relationship with Him is beginning to separate, run back to Him. He is there with open arms and He understands that we often can feel busy and overwhelmed with day-to-day duties. But He also knows that if you carry Him with you during those day-to-day duties you will accomplish them at a better degree.

Hey There, Delilah

Desire, charming, captivating are some of the root words used to describe the name “Delilah” and looking at the story of Samson in the book of Judges shows Delilah to be the seductress who could bring down the most powerful man of God. She was every bit manipulative, sweet talking, and desirable.

When we read through the book of Judges, we tend to want to learn from women like Deborah who was such a powerful example of Godly femininity but there is also something to be learned from Delilah. Although she is a classic example of femininity used wrongly, she knew the power of femininity and was great at manipulating because of what she had.

In our modern day world where being female is considered weak and women are constantly trying to become like men, I think there is something to be said about the strength that women possess when we truly embrace our femininity. Here are a few of our “secret weapons” that can be used effectively for Gods Glory in our relationship with others:

  1. Our Words: Delilah single-handedly caused the most powerful man of her generation to loose his power because of her nagging and manipulative words. Every day we have so many opportunities to speak life to the men in our lives whether that is a husband, boyfriend, brother, teacher, pastor, random guy sitting next to us in class. Life and death is in the power of the tongue and by our gentle words, kind words, wise words people can be drawn closer to the heart of the Father. 

Nagging and manipulative words may get you what you want at the moment, but in the long run it destroys a relationship/friendship.

  1. Our Love: I grew up hearing the saying that “behind every successful man is a woman” and oh how true it is! As powerful as men are, there is an extra measure of blessing to them that comes from having a woman that loves and accepts you the way you are. It is a sweet blessing to be respected, nurtured, and . Women are created with a deep capacity to love, we are made to be relational beings and that is why we can come up with several different creative ways to show love to the people around us.

Sometimes its easy to stifle our ability to love and reserve it for our (future) husband and kids, but even as single young woman we have the responsibility to channel this love to serve others in the body of Christ. Not necessarily by seeking to serve the single, good looking young men in church, but by cooking for that old couple that lives by themselves, or keeping the kids of that single mom who will probably never be able to pay you back, or writing encouraging letters to the new Christians in church, or maybe taking out one of the elderly widows for a dinner date night...There are so many unique ways that we can love others in the world around us and we need to take advantage of that because the love of a woman is a powerful gift to the world.

  1. Our Drive/Motivation: Delilah had set her eyes upon the money she would receive for bringing Sampson to the philistines and that motivated her to get the job done. We, as women have the powerful ability to do whatever we set our minds to do. We have an incredible opportunity to chose the things of the LORD to be passionate about and then help others to be focused on those . Rather than being driven by money, selfish gains, popularity, lets be driven by compassion and become passionate about the Church, about ending injustice in the world, about leading people to the LORD.

  1. Our Beauty: To be the woman who caught the eyes of the most powerful man in the world, Delilah probably had it going on, but what use is it to develop and cultivate a physical beauty with a shallow heart? 1 Peter 3 says we should be women whose beauty comes from the inward radiance of our hearts. The most beautiful of women are those that though outwardly they may not meet the worlds standards of beauty, yet they reflect a beauty that literally draws people to them.

Time in God's presence makes a woman more beautiful!

While it is important to dress up Gods temple in a beautiful way, it is more important not to obsess over the beauty that comes from makeup, jewelry, certain kinds of clothes. We NEED to spend more time with the author of beauty who makes us beautiful rather than trying to create a superficial beauty. Godly women are the most beauty of women and the world sees a radiance when they look at us. Rather than using this beauty to manipulate and draw attention to ourselves, lets us our beauty to point others to the author of beauty!

Ladies, imagine how powerful of a force Sampson and Delilah would have been together for the Kingdom if she had used her “secret weapons” for the Glory of the King?

by Salem Afangideh

Parenting from A Place of Wholeness

By Maria Breeden

Effective parenting begins from a position of wholeness and godly self-esteem. For the single mother, this combination is absolutely essential for her to raise responsible, healthy, and whole children. It is difficult to teach your children to have high self-esteem when you are broken and don't even realize it. Parental brokenness manifests itself in a variety of ways.

Parenting by Default Not Purpose

As a single mom, I have energy, resource, and time constraints. I have discovered the reason why it was so challenging to consistently implement godly parenting principles was because I never knew I needed to be grounded in the love of God for myself before marrying and having children. Thus, true foundational self-esteem rooted in God was never fully formed in me. This is important as it relates to parenting because if a woman’s deepest emotional needs for validation, completeness, and wholeness are not met in Christ, she will continually look outside of herself for these things. Because of her brokenness, it is difficult for her to model true, authentic, and healthy self-esteem in front of her children on a consistent basis.

When my children began to grow, I only had two main parenting styles: 1) The Old School “I- brought-you-into-this-world-and-I-will-take-you-out” style in order to maintain order obedience, and to survive or; 2) The Hovering Helicopter style, which consists of overprotecting, nagging, reminding and scolding because I didn’t have the time, resources, and inner strength to carefully think through, trust, strategize and seek the Lord. Functioning in this fashion always takes its toll on a woman and further exacerbates the brokenness. In the short term, both styles work when children are young, but as they grow and began to enter late childhood and early puberty these methods become less effective. The mother then finds herself with very little left in her parenting toolbox except trying to control or protect them. It results in more stress for the mother and results in children with low self-esteem who make poor life choices because the mother did all the thinking and decision making for them.

According to Foster Cline and Jim Fay in Parenting With Love & Logic, “Too many parents confuse love, protection & caring…they overcompensate with worry and hyper-concern (nagging, reminding, too) instead of letting kids fail. What these parents are doing, in reality is meeting their own selfish needs. They make more work for themselves and will, in the long run, raise children who make their own lives more work. The problem is, rescuing parents often rescue out of their own needs. They like to heal hurts. They are parents who need to be needed, not parents who want to be wanted…”

To properly parent, a single mom must learn to love and respect herself. This means to know herself, to get grounded in God’s love and to understand how His love works. God loves us deeply. But he doesn’t stop us if we choose to jump off a cliff, have premarital sex, and make other bad choices. He lets us feel the full impact of the consequences of our choice. He uses our mistakes to help us grow in faith and maturity. We do our children a disservice when we fail to love them as God loves us. When we are grounded in God’s love we can parent as He does from a place of strength and love, not needing to be needed and not trying to control everything the kids do because of not knowing what else to do to protect them. We can allow life situations to provide learning opportunities so that they grow up responsible and able to make wise choices when we are not around. Broken mothers want these results but cannot do this consistently and effectively.

Parenting While Chasing To Get Needs Met

When a parent has unresolved brokenness running in the background of her life it manifests itself in the motives behind her relational and social choices. Oftentimes, a woman can be thoroughly convinced that her motives are good on the surface, but if the truth be told, these activities and relationships are driven from unmet needs that run contrary to solid parenting.

Motive 1: Ministry Works

We are to use our gifts and talents to build God’s kingdom. God gave us our talents, gifts, and abilities to be productive and to fulfill our purpose in His Kingdom. However, when we fail to look to God to meet our needs for validation, acceptance and approval, without realizing it, we find ourselves using our good works as a vehicle to receive attention, to be seen, and to be validated. We show up every time the church doors open. We show up to every activity and committee meeting. We come back home all excited and the house is a mess, there is chaos and disorder and the kids are running wild. We are godly women out saving the world, yet our homes are going to hell. Using ministry works to get an emotional need met does not glorify God nor does it help our children. We must continually pray and seek God’s help to maintain order and balance in ministry and family.

Motive 2: I Need a Man...For Attention/ To Be A Father Figure / To Go to Church With

A young woman, without a fundamental knowledge of her worth and value in Christ, can easily get caught up in romantic drama relationships starting in her teenage years. Once that first relationship fails, she will continually seek the initial high of that first infatuation. She has no clue about who she is in God and is only driven by emotions and flesh. This is the beginning of insecure or anxious love in a woman. This is evidenced by mothers who have a hard enough time managing house/job/kids but still trying to date, spending a lot of time texting, on the phone, online, fantasizing, anxiously worrying about what a man wants/thinks/feels, and obsessing over every text/call/conversation. It is possible for a woman to spend way more mental and emotional energy over a man than she does for her children. Her whole emotional world can revolve around whether or not she gets a certain level of attention from a man. Again, this does not glorify God and hinders godly parenting.

Broken mothers also get involved in romantic relationships too quickly before developing personal wholeness because of an overwhelming desire to have some semblance of a "father figure" or “male role model” in front of children. It is difficult to go to church Sunday after Sunday alone. They have a deep desire to have a husband to go to church with, to lead the family and to serve God together. These desires are normal and natural, but if not held in check under God’s timing and way, it can create many problems. If mom is not whole, most of her energy will be put into developing this relationship instead of developing personal wholeness in Christ or parenting her children. If the relationship ends in disappointment, she is back where she started from, even more broken then before because she delayed her healing process by getting prematurely involved.

This could be a significant issue if a mother spends more time reading every book on how to get married, how to be a wife, how men think, praying for her “Boaz” than praying or reading on how to parent her children. How much prayer time is spent on interceding for the children’s needs and issues? How much of prayer is spent asking God to reveal our children’s purpose/destiny/passion/gifts at an early age? How much prayer is spent on the list of requirements for the future husband? How much prayer and emotional equity are we investing in the current new hot marriage prospect?

Jesus took on a dishonorable death so that we could live honorable, holy (whole) complete and abundant lives. Our deepest emotional, psychological and spiritual needs were met by Christ on the Cross and our resultant failures to fully appropriate His shed blood over our emotions and brokenness cause us to chase in the wilderness for something that had already been taken care of. We suffer and, in the long run, our children suffer. Woman of God, never be in a rush to get married, raise children, or do good works without take the time to become deeply rooted in Christ. Learn to receive and walk in his love so that you can function fully in all areas of your life including parenting from place of wholeness and purpose.  

Five Foods That Detox Your Body

By Johnnesha Parker

With Summer on the horizon, now is a good time for a thorough cleaning.  Warmer weather always makes me want to shed a few layers of winter clothing and that extra winter fat.  The extra padding may have come in handy on those chilly days and freezing nights, but I discovered that my fat stores more than warmth.  Our bodies are designed to store the toxins we accumulate in our fat cells.  To really cleanse the body and eliminate those toxins, it’s best to eat foods high in antioxidants and fiber.  Here are five of my go-to detox foods:

1. Garlic

It may be bad for your breath, but garlic does a body good!  Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties and is a time-tested herbal cold remedy.  Eating garlic helps increase liver function and boosts the immune system.

2. Green Tea

I’m a southern girl, and I was raised on fresh brewed, black tea with lemon and at least one cup of sugar.  Now that I’m older, I know better!  Green tea has a delicate flavor, but it packs a powerful antioxidant punch. The drink has special antioxidants that increase liver function. Our liver is the main detoxification organ in the body, so it is crucial that we keep the liver healthy.

3. Green Vegetables

Collard greens are an old favorite of mine, but they’re not the only green veggie I’ll eat.  Kale, broccoli, cabbage, and asparagus are all high in sulphur and chlorophyll that helps rid the liver of harmful toxins.  Cabbage has the added benefit of being a natural diuretic, so eat plenty if you’re looking to eliminate that excess water weight and bloating.

4. Chia seed

Chia seed is a tiny little powerhouse of fiber and protein. Fiber is essential to help move toxins and waste through the body, but the protein in chia seed also gives a boost to the liver. The tiny seeds do not look like much on their own, but mix a tablespoon [or two or three] into your smoothie, oatmeal, or yogurt and enjoy!

5. Water

Maybe water isn’t technically a food, but it is one of the most important detoxification agents you can use.  Water keeps your body hydrated and flushes out those nasty toxins.  In addition, water cleans out the kidneys and the liver.

Book Review: Discerning The Voice of God

By Kris Bush

So how many times have you thought to yourself that you just wish you could hear from God on a situation or circumstance? I’m fairly certain; I’m not the only person that has longed for a Samuel encounter (1 Samuel 3). One in which the Lord himself is calling you to commune with you on a situation.

Now here’s a book which longs to bridge that gap by telling us ways in which we can draw ourselves near to God to hear His voice. One of the main things Priscilla Shirer points out is the fact that we cannot hear from God if we do not 1 have an active relationship with God, 2 we need to spend time learning God’s character, and 3 we need to realize the reasons why He speaks. Whenever God speaks, He has a reason why He speaks. There is something He intends to accomplish whether it is to correct us so we can walk in the correct direction or to inform us on a decision we are to make.

The main thing I have learned while studying this book…because yes it is one you will study, it comes with the questions to prompt you to study…is that we cannot hear from God if we don’t make ourselves known to God. In John 10:27, Jesus says, “my sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me.” So to be the Lord’s sheep we need to take the time to learn God by spending time in the Word and spending time with Him in prayer. Then we need to hear His voice…heed His voice…and FOLLOW HIM.

I think that is where we tend to mess up. We may hear the Lord’s voice…we may receive His prompting in the Spirit and then we disobey because we don’t like what we hear, what we are told, and we do not follow as we are told. So we have to die to our flesh so that our spirit can be obedient. For the Lord says, the Spirit is will but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).

As you take the time to read this book, take the time to STUDY it. Really understand what Priscilla Shirer is saying, what she is teaching, and if you really want God’s voice guiding you: OBEY and FOLLOW Him.

Sweet Rest

by Jami Greene

And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet RESTING PLACES.” Isaiah 32:18

There is a high level of anxiety in the air. There is a sense of overwhelming dread and despair everywhere you go. News reports abound with mostly bad news and negative stories. Receiving all of this into our five senses often leaves us feeling that there is no hope for the world. The ever increasing perpetration of evil acts by humanity against humanity each other is simply unreal at times. Innocent children are being killed on a daily basis by those who have no real justification for their behavior. The elderly in our society, who should be cherished as life treasures, are being abused and misused and often suffering in silence. In addition, even those who we look to for spiritual guidance are reportedly falling short and without exhibiting a personal need for repentance, are leading many to a place of exposure to the wrath of God.

I don’t know about you, but there are days when I just pray for rest. That’s it, nothing else. Period. I just want to rest. As women, we tend to take on the burdens and concerns of others around us. It is our divinely designed nature to want to fix things and make them right. We awaken in the morning thinking about the things we must accomplish today that will make life more comfortable for those we love. Throughout the day, we consistently put these ideas and plan into motion. When we lie down at night, we automatically do a mental check list to evaluate what we did accomplish and what we have yet to accomplish. In far too many cases, we do not get the proper rest because our mental check list are still running throughout the night. This is not the Father’s desire for you. 

This constant sense of “needing to get something done” is not necessarily a good place to be. We must come to accept the fact, that there are some things that we just cannot do. There are things that we are not created to handle or fix. There are people whose lives we will not help to change. There are places that we are not meant to go. That is just the reality of the situation.

As Christians, we function from a place of compassion and love. We long to have peace with all men and we desire to love and be loved by all of those in our lives. As Christian women, we combine our nurturing selves with our redeemed selves and if we are not careful we become emotionally overwhelmed. The answer to this dilemma is to rest in the knowledge that God is STILL in control. Regardless to how it looks on the outside, God is STILL in control.

I feel compelled to encourage you today to accept the fact that our Sovereign God yet reigns. Allow yourself to relax and be at peace with His plan. Holy Spirit is wooing us into a place of peace and communion with Him. He is bidding us to enter into “sweet rest” that is found in His presence. He wants us to spend more time with Him and less time worrying about things that we cannot change.

He is the God who has given you the many ideas, desires and plan that you have. Yet, He did not give them to you so that they can control you. He has given them to you to enjoy and to bring Him glory in the earth. If what you are doing is stressing you out and manifesting in physical, emotional or spiritual illness, then I suggest that it’s time to make some readjustments. As you spend time with Him, ask Him for direction for TODAY and watch Him return you to that place of peace and sweet rest.

Be encouraged my sisters. These are the last days and we must be sure that our activities are in aligning with our divine assignment. Let us not be so busy being “active” that we are not being “productive.” Yes, these are the days that are testing our very foundational faith. But these are also the days that Holy Spirit is being pouring out upon us as never before. We are accomplishing more for the Kingdom than those before us could even dream. 

Come on go with me. Let’s enter in to His presence and enjoy that sweet rest.

A Place Called Here

by Carla Cannon

Have you ever found yourself in a place and began to look around wondering or even thinking to yourself, “How did I end up…here”? Your “here” may be an abusive relationship or a bad decision that left you pregnant and your child fatherless. Or perhaps you did save yourself for your husband only to have him cheat on you and bring home a three letter word that has now flipped your entire life upside down. Perhaps you currently find yourself in a place where it appears so surreal therefore you try to sleep your life away, praying you are only having a bad dream only to wake up and realize what you are experiencing is indeed reality. No matter where you may currently find yourself, you must know there is a way out and His name is Jesus. 

Maybe you have never heard of Him, so please allow me time for a brief introduction. Jesus is one who died on a cross for all humanity, was bruised for our iniquities when He personally knew no sin. Not only was he beaten and spat on, but He also endured having his hands nailed to a cross just so you and I could live again. So, yes He died on a cross, but on the third day He arose with all power in His hands. 

He is known for performing many miracles such as causing blind eyes to see, feeding 5,000 people with only two fish and five loaves of bread and still having a few baskets left over. 

See Jesus was no ordinary man although many referred to him as the carpenter’s son, but He is the great I AM. He is the Alpha and Omega and He is the only one who can take all of our sins, regrets and areas in which we have fallen short in and allow them to all work for our good, while in the process also forgiving us and freeing us from each of them. 

See, you didn’t accidently end up at this place called “here” but you were strategically placed by God to allow Him the opportunity to prove to you who He really is in your life. You must understand God can do absolutely anything and He makes no mistakes. If He can allow Peter to walk on water, then surely He can snatch you up out of any situation you may find yourself in. 

So, arise my sister from this place called “here” for this was never your destined place and you have been here far too long. God has amazing plans for your life which you know not of because sometimes we can’t see further than where we are but that is where true faith comes in effect. No longer shall you be bound in depression, low self-esteem, poor self- image, homosexuality, or anything else that has tried to hold you captive. Be free on today and know that your change is not coming but it is already here!

Destiny is calling you my sister….but the question is will you answer? 

You have officially been pulled out of a place that once had you bound. So now you are free to depart from this place called……HERE.  

Our Father

by Kieya Hudson

We’re all taught from an early age that God is our Father and we are children of God.

It’s so easy to say, tweet, preach and even put in our Instagram bios that God is our Father. But do we, as His children, really believe it?

It’s safe to say that fathers play a huge role in a child’s life. Throughout time and especially the word of God, we see how much impact a father makes on a child. One of the greatest father-son relationships we see is our Saviors’ relationship with the Heavenly Father. Christ shows us how important this relationship is. He even opens the model prayer for Christians with, “Our Father...” Jesus shows us something that’s often overlooked by His amazing signs and miracles. Jesus shows us relationship. 

The only way we can truly understand that we are children of God is by examining our relationship with our Earthly fathers.

Since we are imperfect people, we make mistakes. Sometimes other people’s mistakes can cost us a lifetime of hurt. We allow mistakes made by our Earthly fathers to limit our relationship with our Heavenly Father. My Earthly father is an amazing man and even greater father. But even he made mistakes. When I was six, my parents separated for a period of time. My brother and I lived with my mom thousands of miles away from my dad. During that period of time, I felt confused, lost, and abandoned. Ultimately my parents reunited and are still married after almost 22 years. 

That season of abandonment did a wonder on me subconsciously. Once I fully started following The Lord, I found it difficult to trust Him with my entire heart. Subconsciously, I felt that at any moment He would abandon me. One day in prayer the Lord spoke to me, “I’m not going anywhere, daughter. I won’t leave you.” Tears immediately flowed. The pain of my dad’s mistake was the roadblock in my way of fully yielding my whole heart to Him. 

What mistakes did your earthly father make that is limiting your relationship with your Heavenly Father?

Precious daughter, your Father in Heaven wants your entire heart. Allow Him to heal you of your daddy’s mistakes. You’ll never know Him as your Father if you continue to harbor pain from the mistakes your earthly father has made. 

Knowing God as your Father is more than just using “IAmAChildOfGod” as your Twitter name. It’s about knowing His characteristics—that He is kind, faithful, and merciful. It’s about knowing that His love for you is perfect, unfailing, and never ending. It’s about knowing that He rejoices over just one thought of you. It’s about KNOWING Him.

Today, allow the Lord to heal the wounds in your heart. Let that healing bring forgiveness to your father’s mistakes. Your father isn’t God; it’s in his nature to make mistakes, just as it’s in yours. The only perfect Father is seated in Heavenly places. Whether your father was or wasn’t there for you, know that there is no such thing as a fatherless child. He has adopted you, daughter. No matter what your past looks like, you are seated with Him at His table.

A child is secure when they know that they have a father that protects them, provides for them, and loves them. Yes, Christ came to save us—to redeem us—to reconcile us back. But He also came to grant us the same relationship that He has with the Father.

Stop seeing yourself as fatherless by worrying, doubting, and fearing. Embrace the greatest love of your Father in Heaven. 

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. –Psalm 68:5

The Fragrance of Christ

By Mickela Rutledge

When was the last time you did something for someone else? Seriously when was the last time you placed someone else's need before your own? The last time you bought someone lunch who needed it? Or maybe volunteered at a soup kitchen? Or simply listened to someone who really needed to talk? These are questions that have been heavy on my mind for the past several weeks. As I have been seeking God in prayer and journaling. I realized how self-absorbed I was. I always thought of myself first: my dreams, my desires, and my needs. Always wondering how God was going to fulfill them. 

God speaks against self-centeredness. Philippians 2:3-4 reads, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others". Our lives are so much more than ourselves. Our lives are so much more than the next cute outfit or our education and even our finances. Now in theory, I do believe that these things are important and that God wants us to live fulfilled lives, but they become a problem when we are so consumed by these things that we ignore the needs of others.  We should reevaluate how much of an effect and impact we are making on those around us. There are so many people who are hurting and in need. We as Christian women should be meeting those needs and doing all we can to lessen the pain that others are feeling. Before I noticed how self-centered I was, I often did not notice how much my family and friends needed my attention and time. Some of them only needed a listening ear from me for a couple of minutes or needed help paying for a lunch or dinner. 

There are so many simple ways that we can help others and reach them for Christ. When Jesus started his ministry on earth he met the needs of others first and built a rapport with them and then let them know how much he could change their lives. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and gave his time to people who were ignored in society.

Colossians 2:16 reads, " Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things". I challenge you to take your eyes off of yourselves and open your eyes to the needs of others. We are to be the fragrance of Jesus and an example of his love and that starts with helping with the needs of others. That could be giving a friend a ride who needs it; or maybe helping that person who needs help paying for their groceries in front of you at the store; or simply calling a family member and letting them know you love them and care. The needs are endless. Rely on the Holy Spirit to show you needs that you can help with. You never know what a simple gesture can lead to. 

Flirtatious Living

By Salem Afandigeh

From batting eyelashes to dressing to attract, little girls are subtly encouraged to use their feminine appeal to manipulate and get attention. Sadly, this doesn't get any better with age, as we see a trend of teenage girls that are perfected in the art of flirting who later grow up to be women that constantly draw attention to themselves.

Flirting is not solely about getting the attention of a certain guy, it is about drawing attention to ourselves.

First time I ever considered that maybe this wasn't an example of biblical femininity was about 3 years ago when I was reading through Proverbs 7 and 8 and I heard the Holy Spirit's conviction in my heart that I was more of a proverbs 7 woman that I was of the proverbs 8 woman (ouch!) A little background about those two passages of scripture; Proverbs 7 describes the adulterous woman who seduces with her words and gets men to pay attention to her because of all she is on the outside, while Proverbs 8 describes Wisdom as a woman who is a little less obvious on the outside but so very rich with power, insight, and beauty on the inside.

I remember immediately arguing with my Spirit that I would never ever do what the Proverbs 7 woman did! But was reminded that it was more about who she was than what she did. The Holy Spirit convicted me about how much in my every day life I drew attention to myself instead of the LORD and I was convicted, humbled, and led to my knees.

See ladies, the LORD tells us what should attract people to us, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:4). Having a “gentle and quiet Spirit” doesn't necessarily mean we are reserved and quiet all the time because some of us have more “loud personalities”, but it doesmean that we know when to speak and when to be silent. It means our words are used to build up rather than to tear down. It means that there is a certain mystery about us that intrigues people and makes them want to know more. The very fact that we are ladies means God took a little bit more time in creating us with curves and all so we could be inherently beautiful (even on those days when we don't feel like it) but if our exterior is all that people notice about us when they spend time with us, then we might need to re-evaluate our hearts. Jesus within us never stays bottled up! He shines through us and makes us so beautiful and magnetic to a world that doesn't know what true beauty is.

One of my favorite verses about anti-flirtatious lifestyle has been “Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires” Songs of Solomon 8:4 and for me it applies not only in relationships with guys, but in friendships and every time I am surrounded by people. I love how practical it can become because I know at the exact moment I am about to say something for the sole purpose of making people like/love me more (we all do). Jesus shines through us and people see that. The more time we spend with Him, the more we reflect Him, and like Jesus who never sought to draw attention to Himself but always pointed back to the Father, we ought to do the same.

God is In the Kitchen

by Dori Cass

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s the place where people gather and comfort abides. It is the one room of the house that appeals to all senses. From the kitchen comes sustenance and life. 

My mother was at home in the kitchen. It was her office. Her easel. Her sanctuary. Every meal was a masterpiece and was put together with great forethought, planning and execution. Holiday meals were my mother's world series and she hit the ball out of the park with each one.

As mom taught me how to cook, she bestowed upon me tools for life. Early on I learned the tools of the trade and how to equip myself and my kitchen for success. At her side she taught me the importance of following recipes, the gift of servitude, and the joy of family and yes, cleanliness is next to godliness. Ha.

Considering it now I see that the kitchen was the schoolroom for life. Working alongside of her in the kitchen I learned about being a wife and mother. And just recently I found the correlation between a woman's kitchen and God's heart...the holy of holies. If you'll look closely enough you, too, will find that God is in the kitchen.

Walk into any kitchen and you will find it stocked with a host of basic ingredients – ingredients that ensure success. Kitchens for centuries have had the following....curtains, an apron, a sink or basin, utensils, stove with the home fire burning– a fridge– at least one table,, counters, cups, plates, spoons, forks, knives, perhaps a butcher block, water, spices, flour, sugar, oil and bread.

Read Exodus 25 and walk through Gods Tabernacle and you find the precise recipe God gave for The Tabernacle - colorful blue, purple and red curtains, fragrant incense burnt upon the altar or table; oil made from fine spices and olive oil which was used for anointing, the bronze basin/tub, lamp-stand, table of show bread and the priests. God carefully chose each element for the Tabernacle in right proportions – all that was needed to bring right relationship between his people and himself. 

Aaron and his sons were called forth to be the priests and they were consecrated. Loaves of bread were prepared with flour and oil without yeast. An animal was brought forth and butchered and prepared as an offering. Special garments were created with perfect precision to be the outerwear for the priests to wear. The priests were brought to the basin and washed. Throughout the chapter of Exodus 29 are precise instructions creating the perfect recipe if you will to bring about God’s blessing. A recipe for grace and forgiveness.

One described the heart of the home and family, the other the heart of God. Both brought into perfect unison when adhering to the recipe's given in proper proportion. Love, forgiveness, faith, patience, kindness, compassion, truth, serving others, hope, purity. With great care, forethought and planning he gave us each ingredient in good measure to bring us the sweetest tasting, most divine life we could create. 

As I stand in the middle of the kitchen and glance about I see pieces of my mama...her apron, her favorite nesco roaster, spice shakers and bowls. And as I look about my kitchen I see today's reflections of God's instructions...olive oil, my potpourri scent burner, spices, bread, a table and a basin. I am aware of the elements and aware of the blessings if I follow the instructions. And I am aware of the loving instruction given by God and my mama. 

“As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. 2 For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being, but God the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.” --1 Thessalonians 1, 2, 

Relationship Laws for Ladies Who Love God

If you have endured broken relationships and are in the process of becoming whole, it is very important to realize that you must have boundaries in which to live by in order to maintain the wholeness that you have received.  The Relationship Laws for Ladies who Love God are specific, detailed confessions that help capture the essence of your new found personal wholeness and how to go about maintaining it.  These “Laws” are intended to help you discern your motives for being in particular relationship, whether or not that relationship is consistent with your godly values, and most importantly, whether or not a relationship would enhance your wholeness or cause further brokenness.

1. I am rooted, grounded, fixed and founded in the Love of God, not a position, title, having “Mrs.” in front of my name, not money, my looks, being cute, being smart or being seen.

2. I respect myself enough to lay boundaries in all relationships personally and professionally.

3. I am complete and whole in God; therefore I do not need outside validation or vindication from a man to see how wonderful I am, what a great and lovely lady I am, or what good wife potential I am. I already know that I am all these. I don’t have to compromise myself or be in a jacked up relationship to prove it.

4. I am a very wise, honest, faithful person of integrity. I am loving and kind. I am wise enough to now realize that not everyone is like me; therefore I exercise sound judgment, wisdom and boundaries in my daily life, especially when it comes to men. I no longer naively assume that just because a man proclaims to be a Christian, a minister, a pastor, etc. that it means he has good intentions or is true. I realize that because a man can speak “Christianese”, knows the Bible, can pray and preach does not mean he is “THE ONE”. He still got to past the basic character tests of honesty and reliability. I know people by their fruit not by what they say.

5. I attract creative, exciting, supportive, positive, godly, faithful, visionary, smart and wonderful people, both males and females in my life. I can now be friends with a man without thinking “IS HE THE ONE?” I can enjoy male friendship without the foolishness of weird feelings and questionings. I can just be my best self and let God lead, guide and order my relationships. I have a full and abundant life.

6. I attract emotionally, mentally and spiritually whole people in my life now. I have no need to have unhealthy, sick malfunctioning men in order to prove anything or to be their Savior. I am not responsible for their burdens, sins, issues, and brokenness and healing. That is between them and Jesus. I will NOT relax my boundaries to accommodate their issues, thus damming up my own healing and blessings. Because I am fixed, helped and healed by Jesus, I no longer have the need to fix, help or heal a man. I am now complete in Christ and know who I am, a Daughter of the King, living in His courts and will not go beneath my place of being seated in heavenly places to roll around in the pigpen to help someone and get dirty and hurt. I no longer need to fix someone else to validate my self-worth and value as a good woman. I know I am good.

7. I live very gracefully, very poised, very well pulled together and am continuously working towards improvement and order. I will no longer tolerate chaotic individuals, with lots of mess and unresolved issues operating that will spill over into my life. Thus I maintain a higher level of peace and order in my life.

8. I attract whole men who I would compliment and who would compliment me. We are icing on each other’s cakes, not two half baked cakes, falling apart attempting to come together, making a bigger mess. I am a Whole Loaf. Therefore I will not scrape around begging, looking and expecting for crumbs from a man, or live off past stale crumbs. I no longer attract crumby men. I attract Whole Loaf Men.

9. I make note of and pay attention to ANY AND ALL, EVERY LAST SIGN OF ANYTHING THAT IS A TRUE RED FLAG in relationships. I can give people the benefit of the doubt, but I now am more sensitive and quickly take heed to warning signs and signals, because I have learned to trust myself. I have learned that if I am praying in the Spirit, staying in the Word of God, trusting Him to lead me that He is indeed truly doing that and I can truly trust that warning or check in my spirit. I only have close relationships with people whose walk equals their talk and whose words and actions match. If I see otherwise, I leave them alone.

10. I stay away from anyone who would attempt to cause me to compromise myself or values in any way, shape form or fashion. I flee from any individual or circumstance that conflicts with:
a. Godly laws, principles, values and morals, including sex before marriage
b. Common Sense and Wisdom
c. Cause immediate harm and damage
d. Cause emotional, mental, spiritual pain, anxiety, torment or turmoil
e. Compromise the call and purpose of God for my life

11. I stay in fellowship and accountable to people whom I know truly love and care about me and who will tell me the truth. I walk in reality and not fantasy. I am able to distinguish and discern truth. I immerse myself in the Word of God; I stay in tune with the Holy Spirit who is also known as the Spirit of Truth. I heed wise counsel, realizing that I do not know it all. I heed wise counsel even if it hurts my feelings and makes me mad at first. This means I stay humble.

12. I refuse to allow myself to be self-deceived in the name of Jesus because I am too proud, ashamed or embarrassed to face the truth about any situation. I no longer have to isolate myself in shame or embarrassment. I have nothing to hide anymore. I can live again.

13. I have no need to get in a man’s head, obsessing, analyzing, over thinking, and immersing myself in his world, trying to figure him out. It does not take all that. If it does, something is wrong.

14. I work for myself first. This means that I allow God to work in me and through me to #1, heal and restore me FIRST, then others. My work blesses ME FIRST, then others. This means that I will utilize the gifts and talents I have for God to benefit others and myself in a Healthy and Balanced way. This means that I will not allow myself to be used by someone in the name of fixing/helping/healing/proving/validating and following a fantasy and still left with nothing to benefit me. I am discreet and cautious and wise about giving of time, talents, money and myself to anyone not in my immediate family, but especially to a man without the true commitment.

15. I end relationships immediately when I can clearly see that it is not working. I learn the lesson and LET IT GO.

By Maria Breeden


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