5 Truths Every Christian Woman Needs to Know

We live in a world that screams, "Less is more!" Less clothes will make you more money. Less morals gets you the man of your dreams.

This world also tells us that our value, identity, and worth can be found right here on earth. However, the Bible tells us different. Matthew 6:19-21 says,

4 Ways to Seek God for Your Answer

Have you ever been at a crossroad in your life, career or a relationship, and you just need God to tell you what to do? Have you ever needed some wisdom – godly wisdom – to deal with your kid’s problem, a work situation or broken relationship?

God Gave Them What I’ve Been Praying for, Yet I’m Still Waiting

Have you been praying for something and then watched as someone around you was blessed with that thing you were praying for?

I remember a while ago getting an email from an old friend that I was very close to years ago.  We had gone in different directions in life.  We used talk about how she would never get married and she would tell me that I would most definitely be the one to get married, and to get married first.

Whole Spotlight: A Long Walk with LaToria

Christian Hip-Hop artist, LaToria is someone you definitely want to keep your eye on. She brings impressive and soulful rapping abilities along a with fire for God that is definitely something we want to shine the "spotlight" on.

How do We Fight the Sin Within?

I find it difficult to forgive myself. Every time I sin, fail to do something I know I should do, or simply do not meet my own expectations, I blame myself. Unfortunately my spiritual life is affected; I get upset with myself whenever I fail God.  As a result, I feel ashamed and guilty.  I find myself avoiding spending time with God.

I sound just like Adam and Eve in the garden.

Are We Seeking to Please God or Man?

In today’s society we have Facebook, Twitter and many other social media sites where the popularity contests of high school seem to roll on even after graduation.  We tend to try and “look good.”


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