5 Steps to Surviving "Cuffing Season"

Cuffing Season is officially in full effect. This is the time of year when women and men everywhere give up their single status for cuffed up winter nights with a "cuddle buddy."

For the single Christian woman you know better than to take part in such worldly things . You are a woman of God. You are daughter of The Most High. You do not settle for random season flings. You only settle for God's best.

Urban dictionary defines cuffing season as: during the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be "Cuffed" or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed.

So, how do you survive this cuffing season?

  1. Remember it's but a season. This season only takes up a portion of the year, so why allow someone to only give you a portion of themselves? It's natural during this time to gravitate to warmth in the arms of some random, but it's only temporary. The last thing you need is to settle for anyone just to cure your loneliness. It will do more harm than good later.
  2. True LOVE is found at the foot of the Cross. No amount of cold winter nights with your temporary beau will satisfy the longing in your heart that will remain the rest of the year. That place belongs to Christ alone. It can get lonely, watching all your girlfriends fall in love and get engaged, but your time is coming. Instead of focusing on what you don't have this season, practice on being content with your portion.
  3. Desire to be more like Christ. Notice that the Urban dictionary defines this time of year the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be "Cuffed" or tied down by a serious relationship. Single or not, we shouldn't desire anything that the rest of the world desires. We must only desire what God desires for our life. That guy may want to "cuff" you from Fall to Winter, but Jesus wants you for a lifetime. Why choose a temporary beau that will only leave you at the first sign of summer when you can have a King that wants your heart all year long?
  4. Use this time wisely. Keep yourself busy. Consider volunteering and giving your time at a local shelter, or take a cooking class. More importantly spend more time with Christ. Meditate scriptures on contentment, joy, and peace. And stay prayed up! The enemy will definitely use this time to distract you from God's purpose for your life, but remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Phil. 4:13). Reach out to your other single sisters in Christ and start a Bible Study Sleepover.
  5. Remember your worth! When you know who you are in Christ—and your worth you will not give in to being someones winter fling. Your heart is worth so much more. If you are struggling with loneliness, realize that no human can help you in that area. Cast your loneliness, sadness, and discontentment at the feet of Jesus, tonight. Let Him do a heart change from the inside out. He will replace those feelings with joy, peace, contentment, and hope—things that will last as long as you continue to seek Him to fulfill you. The greatest evidences of God’s love to those that love him is, to send them afflictions, along with the grace to bear them. And during this season He will give you not only the grace to bear it, but His hand to walk through it with you.

This season do not settle, and let Jesus cuff you. . . because it is forever.

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About the Author :

Carmen Miller is happily married mother of 5 and wife to Jarrad. As Founder of Whole Magazine, and Co-Founder of God Over Porn; Carmen's heart's passion is to see broken women made whole through the power of Jesus Christ.


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