Blind Spots

Listing appointments are much like job interviews and as a Realtor an inescapable part of my day. 

Recently, I had a really great listing appointment.  We established a future time to do listing paperwork and get his home on the market.  However, prior to solidifying his contract he emailed me and expressed that he would be going with another agency.  I was thoroughly confused so I did the unthinkable and asked him…

“Why didn’t I get the job?”

There was a time that I would have tucked my tail between my legs, scurried off, and not looked back.  Who really wants those weaknesses revealed?

But, my relationship with God has encouraged me to actively pursue growth in every single area of my life which requires I gain insight into my blind spots.

Blind spots are the areas within our life where our view is obstructed.  Our blind spots can manifest in how we relate to other people or our performance on our job.  It’s what we don’t know about ourselves.  We naturally seek to protect ourselves from revelations that may reveal where we are weak.

God uses people, events, and circumstances to reveal our blind spots in an effort to help us grow.  The light of God’s truth in our life serves to expose our weaknesses so that we can be changed.   We must care more about becoming the people that God wants us to be and less about the discomfort our ego may endure. 

Back to my story…

When he responded to my email he stated, “As far as your personality and intelligence, you are amazing.  The main reason for my choice:  this lady sold my neighbors house and came highly recommended.  It was a tough decision, but I appreciate you allowing me to be candid with you.”

I did not expect that response.  I have an overactive imagination so I assumed the worst.  That’s when I realized that blind spots are not always inherently bad.  God may seek to empower us through people, events, and circumstances, but we must be confident enough to face all that God wants to reveal to us—good and bad.

So, today recognize that we each have blind spots.  We each have areas within our personality and character that are obstructed from our view.  God works through people so be open to feedback and ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern all that He would like for you to receive.  We must remain intentional about our growth.  Remain determined to reach your potential in Christ and allow your blind spots to be revealed by the light of God’s truth.  Live in the light.

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light."

No More "Christian Nice Girl"

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. – Proverbs 31:25

Have you ever been part of that stigma? 

You know the one.

“Oh, that girl. She’s a very nice, sweet Christian girl. I’ll bet she’ll do whatever you ask.”
“Yeah, she’s very sweet, and kind of a pushover. I think she’s a Christian girl.”
“She’s so quiet. I never hear her speak up for herself.”
Ladies, it’s time to break the mold.

I once read a book entitled, "No More Christian Nice Girl" by Peter Coughlin and Jennifer D. Degler, PhD.

I highly recommend it.

While there are many great things about being nice – for in the Bible we are called to show God’s love to others through our words and actions – there is much more to being a Christian woman than just sticky, sweet passivity. After all, we are to emulate Jesus. And he was no doormat.

Jesus’ behavior, while full of passionate love for people, was also often filled with “tough love”. On more than one occasion in the Bible, we see Jesus full of assertive strength. Let’s look at Matthew 21:21-13:
12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’”

Jesus saw that these men were engaging in corrupt behavior in a place of worship. His strong actions of turning over their tables made his point in a way that showed the power of his convictions, and that this behavior was NOT a wise choice. It was His way or the highway. Go, Jesus, go!

We see Jesus’ spicy side on other occasions, too, such as when Jesus rebuked Peter with a stern warning of “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” – (Matthew 16:23), and in other places throughout the Bible when Jesus was rebuked, tempted, and taunted by Satan and his ways.

So, am I saying that we need to lash out at others and turn over the dining room table the next time someone is rude at dinner? Is that how Jesus lived? No way. The authors of No More Christian Nice Girl tell us,
“As presented in the Gospels, Jesus is most definitely not one-sided. He is the complete embodiment of healthy, balanced human personality; thus, Jesus is immensely compassionate, kind, and gracious while also being assertive, forceful, and firm when necessary. He is good, but he’s definitely not “nice” or as safe as many Christians want to believe.” (p.27)

“So, who was or is a Christian woman that gives a great example of how to behave?” you may be asking?

Let’s start with Mary.

Jesus was coming to visit two sisters, Mary and Martha, in the town of Bethany. Martha was consumed with housework and preparing a meal, and Mary chose to forget the busywork and to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to his teaching.  Jesus says, “Mary has chosen what is better.” (Luke 10: 38-42)

We all know that person, right? A “Martha”? Someone who is so busy with planning a party, consumed with the insignificant details of where to put the punch bowl and how to line up the silverware. Imagine what guts it must have taken Mary to say, “No, Martha. I’m going to listen to Jesus. It’s more important than your dusting and polishing.” (For me, a people-pleaser, and self-recognized “nice girl”, that would be so difficult!)

While a “Christian Nice Girl” would have given in and said, “Oh, yes, sister, of course I’ll help you first! You seem so busy!” Mary chose to be an assertive Christian woman, with her eyes firmly planted on the truth. She was courageous in choosing to act differently than her sister.

Let us reject the “Christian-Nice-Girl-Sugary-Sweet” persona, and take on the persona of Christ. We must stand strong in our convictions, and not be afraid to be bold for our faith. Let’s read a portion of Proverbs 31, where “A Wife of Noble Character” is defined:

10 Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
She is more precious than rubies.
11 Her husband can trust her,
and she will greatly enrich his life.
12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.

20 She extends a helping hand to the poor
and opens her arms to the needy.
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.
26 When she speaks, her words are wise,
and she gives instructions with kindness.
27 She carefully watches everything in her household
and suffers nothing from laziness.

Let us be women empowered by Jesus to truly, boldly live for Him.

Dear Lord, Help us to be bold. So often we can forget our convictions when it is easier to give a sweet, passive answer to someone or something. Help us to make wise choices. Give us strength for the journey, for life is not easy. Help us to follow your example, and the examples of the many wondrous women whose stories are recorded in the Bible and throughout history. Thank you for the gift of living life here on Earth. We look forward to the day when we will spend eternity with You!


Are you a "Christian-Nice-Girl"? When do you find it hard to live boldly for Jesus

Julie Gernand was born and raised in suburban Chicago. She loves Jesus with all of her heart! Julie was married in July 2012 to her wonderful husband, Ted. Julie is a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University and she currently teaches theatre and dance throughout Chicagoland. She loves cooking, exercise, belting out to the radio, a good belly laugh, and playing with her new kitten, Lucy.

Our Relationship With God

When I chose to take a sabbatical from writing God led me to read my old journals.  Those pages were laced with excitement, energy, love, and trust.  I didn't really even know God.  I had just started my walk with Him.  I had absolutely no knowledge of scripture.  But, I was excited.

I went from one journal to the next and watched my excitement wane.  I went from writing love letters to God to writing notes, bullet points, and “help me!”

I couldn't help, but wonder…what happened?  Shouldn't my excitement, energy, love, and trust continue to increase as I grew in my relationship with God? 

God helped me to realize that we endure distinct phases within our relationship with Him. 

Listen.  Learn.  Obey. 

Listen:  We start to pay attention to God.  We seek His voice.  We become intentional about hearing from God.

Learn:  We spend time within God’s word and we learn about Him.   We learn about His nature, His promises, and His decrees. 

Obey:  We take all that we have heard and learned and walk it out in our day to day life.

As God calls us to new levels of spiritual maturity we repeat these phases.

There’s a sense of excitement when we start to hear from God in a new area. The learning stage can be disheartening because we see all that we don’t know.  We become responsible for the knowledge we obtain.  We can no longer use ignorance as an excuse and we are now held accountable for the wisdom that God has afforded us.  It becomes increasingly harder to turn a blind-eye to sin.  In many cases, the learning phase is where we experience the most conviction and pressure to change.   The tests we endure are often designed to reveal whether or not we've actually listened to God and learned what He has sought to teach us.  Within this, “season of application,” we must make the conscious decision to employ obedience. 

“The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.  For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!”Psalm 34:20 (NLT)

So, today don’t lose sight of the joy that comes from having a relationship with God.  Change hurts.  It’s not easy.  As with any relationship, our relationship with God, will endure challenging seasons where we must remain proactive in reigniting the love we have for Him.  We must strive not to get frustrated with God and remember that He has promised to be an ever-present help as we go through each phase.  God will not shine light on an area in your life that needs change until you are able to face it.  The Holy Spirit doesn't reveal everything at once.  He is patience with us and knows what we can handle.  We may not escape hard work, challenges, failures, disappointments, or growing pains, but God has promised to be close to us.  Listen, learn, and obey, but never stop writing your love letters to God.  Thank Him daily for being by your side and choose to fall in love with him all over again…every single day.  

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light."

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

"If you were here, I would have married you by now."

He loves me.

"You know we'll never be together, right?"

He loves me not.

"You mean the world to me. I can't picture my life without you in it. If you weren't in my life, there's be something missing."

He loves me.

This inconsistency, the hot and cold, summed up my life for almost three years. Reassurance turned to rejection and the broken cycle continued until it was decided to walk away for good. The connection was strong but never consistent. Highs were no sooner met with lows and the level of connection soon wavered to merely nothing. I tried effortlessly to make things work and figured the longer I held onto hope, something would establish into more. It didn't because it was never going to.

Left heartbroken, broken, and searching, I came undone.

In my heart I felt God would work in this man's heart to love and want me. I figured if we gave each other space to grow and heal, we'd find our way back together but it was the inconsistency in our friendship, the back and forth, that finally led me to God.

All the times I was rejected, broken, and wanting, God met with me with open arms. When every memory surfaced, God found me and brought me to surrender. He never gave up on me when I wanted to give up on myself. When I felt unloved and unwanted, He pursued me relentlessly and reminded me His love endures forever. It was in my season of brokenness, God met me with Himself.

There have been so many moments in my life when I felt unloved and rejected. Guys from my past promised to love me, cherish me, and never hurt me. I held on to those promises like they were life support. I put more faith in feeling loved and wanted than in God. It was for this reason my relationships never worked. The longing in my heart for security was met with only more rejection and inconsistency.

The damage done from those three years of my life have remained but every time my mind wanders to that time of my life, God always reminds me the heartache was worth it.

God is the only consistent thing in our life.

We don't have to wake up every day asking ourselves if God loves us, because He does without fail. No matter where we are in our life, what we've done or gone through, His love is consistent, it remains, it stays.

While others' love for us is lukewarm, God's love for us burns for eternity.

Now it seems those three years are a distant memory now. As days pass, it's gotten easier, I feel stronger, and whenever I don't feel very loved or wanted, God reminds me He still loves and wants me. He reminds me regardless of the rejection I've faced or will face in the future, I will always be His.

There will never be a point in our life when God won't love us. He has promised to never leave or forsake us despite our flaws and brokenness. God never rejects His children, He will never reject what He created and claimed as His.

While "I love you" has been tossed around a lot in my life, I know the "I love you" from my Heavenly Father will always matter more than lukewarm feelings. "He loves me not" will never be a thought or feeling to describe God and His love for us because His love is eternal.

His love remains, now and forever.

Author image

About the Author :

Julie Caulder has a passion for people and meeting them where they are in their struggle. She believes in the power of transparent community and in God's redemptive grace. Her life motto is: "Love God, Love Others, Go!" You can visit her blog

Connect with her on :

Take Your Daily Dose

I retreated to my prayer closet (literally) and proceeded to spend some quiet time with God.  I sat there amongst my Bible and journal seeking to connect with God when my eyes were drawn to an abandoned pill box organizer. 

Awhile back God led me to type up scriptures and place them in a daily pill box organizer.  Each day I would take my “Daily Dose” and allow whichever scripture I pulled to serve as the basis for my reading for the day.  I didn't adhere to reading for any prescribed length of time.  I read until I was “full.” 

So, I pulled down the abandoned pill box organizer and removed the scripture for that day.  As I drifted back into this familiar regimen God afforded me insight into a scripture I had been mulling over for the past few weeks.

“And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you.  I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.”—Ezekiel 36:26 (NLT)

Some individuals are diagnosed with a heart condition that warrants a heart transplant.  When a donor heart becomes available the doctor will extract their diseased heart and replace it with a viable, healthy, and responsive heart.  However, this new heart is foreign.  The body will continually attack this organ unless the patient commits to taking the prescribed medication. 


Immunosuppressants are designed to suppress the immune system so that the likelihood of the body rejecting the transplanted organ will decrease.  These drugs must be taken every single day.  One missed dose will increase the likelihood of a rejection. 

God has diagnosed many of us with a heart condition that warrants a heart transplant.  When we give our life to Christ God extracts our diseased heart and replaces it with a viable, healthy, and responsive heart.  However, this heart is foreign.  We are pre-disposed to behavior and thoughts that coincide with our sinful disposition.  Our natural instinct will be to reject our new heart.  We must commit to taking care of ourselves through our prescribed medication if we expect to experience the vitality of our new heart.

So, today recognize your fragility in that you can’t afford to skip your “Daily Dose.”  You are a heart transplant recipient. You have a new heart and a new spirit.  In order, to ensure your body does not reject your new heart you must commit to taking the prescribed “immunosuppressants” found in His Word.  Your body will continue to fight against your new heart.  Your body is predisposed to sin and will seek to gratify its own selfish desires unless you intervene and take care of yourself.  Do not underestimate the value of spending time God.  The long-term success of your new heart is dependent on your commitment to maintain your relationship with God through His Word.  Take your “Daily Dose.” 

Ashley Ivery is a single mother of two brilliant children, Aiden and Devyn, with an overwhelming desire to empower women and help them to realize the importance of a relationship with God.  Through her writing she hopes to encourage women to claim their strength and value in Christ.  Ashley serves as the Residential Listing Partner for Team Harris Real Estate.  She graduated from Fayetteville State University in 2012 with a BS in Psychology.  Her motto is:  "Be Authentic.  Live Honestly.  Dispel Light."

The Road Less Traveled

Traveling has become one of my favorite pastimes. There is nothing more exciting than going to new places, meeting new people, and embracing a new culture. Whether our travels are national or international, the impact left on the heart tends to be an unforgettable one. Recently however, I have decided to travel throughout my own area more. I have a tendency to think that in order to explore and seek new adventures that I have to leave my hometown. I could have never been more wrong. As I focus more on what new experiences I can have within my hometown, I am noticing that there are a plethora of adventures to be had right under my nose. I live in a place full of great people, great fun, and the best of them all … great food.

Often times in life, we have a tendency to unintentionally ignore many great things that God has placed right in front of us. We think that going elsewhere means that we are guaranteed a great experience, happiness, or whatever else it is that we are in search of. This is a detrimental mindset and could lead to us missing out on many of the blessings that God has in store for us.

“You're blessed when you stay on course,    walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You're blessed when you follow his directions,
    doing your best to find him.
That’s right—you don’t go off on your own;    you walk straight along the road he set.” (Psalm 119: 1-3 MSG) 
God has us exactly where we are on purpose. Explore the endless opportunities that this state has to offer. When we do this, we master our present and unknowingly are being prepared for the future. Everything that is planted in front of us are tools that God has perfectly hand-picked to help us grow in both in Him and life. Don't overlook them! They will help us a great deal along our journey and sometimes paying attention to them can result in a life-changing encounter.

”Your teacher will be right there, local and on the job, urging you on whenever you wander left or right: “This is the right road. Walk down this road.” (Isaiah 30:21 MSG)

Traveling is a great opportunity to explore all of God’s work, but don't overlook the current place that He has you in. Explore all of your opportunities there first and it could lead you right into the place that you desire to be!

At the end of the day, wherever you go, make sure you take God with you

Rochelle Burnley is a queen of all trades. She loves the Lord and desires to spread His love and light to everyone that she is blessed to touch. A producer by profession, she intends to use her gift of storytelling to spread the good news and to represent Christ. A proud Baltimore native, Rochelle leaves trails of purple along her life's journey. She is a chocolate connoisseur; as well as a lover of good movies, music, books, and food. She takes the phrase "shop until you drop" seriously. She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communications from Hampton University and is currently enrolled in The New School for an M.S. in Media Management.

Loving Each Other in the Midst of Chaos

Beloved, Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth– for your love is more delightful than wine-Song of Solomon 1:2
I am always talking with my girlfriends about how to find time for your spouse when life is so hectic already.  It’s a difficult topic and one that is quite sensitive but one that absolutely has to be discussed!  It’s hard to find time for one another I know this first hand.  My husband and I co-own a business, have three kids, work freelance projects, and serve in our church. So yeah our life is chaotic, but in all of this we still manage to make time for each other at least one day of the week. How do we do it? Well, I’m glad you asked!

We drop the kids off at school and plan a date during the day
We schedule this at least one day out of the week. Because we both have flexible schedules this works for us, if your schedule is not so flexible try this once a month by taking a sick day at work.
Let the kids be late to school, early morning loving is important!  Let the kids sleep in and write a brief note to the teacher, you’ll be so glad you did! While this certainly can’t be the norm once, twice, or three times during the school year won’t hurt!

Hang out with your spouse even on a school night
Don’t limit yourself to weekends. We attend concerts, movies, and dinner alone on school nights.  I make sure the kids are fed and homework is done before we leave and have a trustworthy sitter that makes sure the kids are in bed on time, it makes for a hot date night and when you get home the kids are already sleep which makes for an even hotter late night…oh la la!

Take a vacation alone
We plan two vacations a year without our children, one is an anniversary and the other is whenever we choose.  We don’t make it a big deal either, a vacation is what you make it, it could be staying at a local hotel for three days with nothing but room service or an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii…. you decide!

Enlist the help of friends and family
Call on friends and family members to help take care of your kids. Switch off babysitting your friends kids and let them watch yours… allowing the kids to sleep overnight at a friend’s house could be a great night for you and your spouse!

Be creative
Don’t get stuck in the hum drum of dating while married…dinner and a movie, go to sporting events, have a picnic in the park, get mani’s and pedi’s together, go to a spa, watch movies at home with all the junk food you can muster or light some candles and take a long hot bath… have fun with it…the more fun you have on the date, the more fun you have at the after party!

Forget the Rules
All is fair is love and war right…well let’s make love not war! Get rid of all the rules, which are really just excuses. Open your mind to the possibilities and have fun with it! Lock the door if the kids are awake and turn up the music, call in and reschedule the meeting, and find a location outside of your bedroom. Take it to another level and crank it up a notch!

Be excited about loving your spouse bring the joy and fervor back!  If one week goes by without alone time, I start missing the man I fell in love with! I can’t wait until a day comes that I can have him all to myself, and if the day doesn’t come well, I steal some time a lunch hour…coffee break whatever I can get, its that important to me and our marriage is stronger than ever!  Yes ladies, men want to love us body and soul…I think a little bit more body than soul…but, hey, I’m game!

Tiffany Fulcher is a writer, entrepreneur, speaker, and a woman with a heart for God. As a mother and wife she understands God's desire for women to walk in their authoritative influence not just in their families but in the entirety of the world. Her passion is to encourage women to live by God's design and purpose for their lives. Her words to live by for all women is Impact, Impart, Influence.

The Beauty of a Weed

The dandelion now stands a chance at becoming my favorite flower. Not because of its beauty, it's color, or name, but because of what it represents.

Considered a weed, dandelions are viewed as pests, vermin, and annoyances. Over the years, sprays and other defense forms have been created to kill our perfect garden's enemy. But why is this poor flower treated so harshly? Probably because it is quite the invasive species…

A dandelion grows as any flower does. Rooted in the ground; water and sunshine make it grow. It grows into a small flower with countless sun-yellow petals. It thrives for some time and dies as other flowers do. But a dandelion's death gives way to new life almost immediately. Where the yellow flower once stood now stands a white puffball. A circle made entirely of small seeds ready to fly away at the slightest breeze. Each seed makes a new home for itself and does its best to grow and perpetuate the cycle, but they have no choice of where to land. They simply grow where the wind places them.

Wonderful, I've recounted the life of thousands of weeds across the world... And for what? For this... Consider Christ for a moment. Sent down to earth to redeem mankind for God. The word became flesh, said John. Isaiah 55 says, "I send [my word] out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it." Are you starting to catch my drift?

Christ was planted, raised, and died. He grew into a flawless, spirit-filled man who so clearly reflected His Father. Quite similar to the dandelion that grows into a beautiful flower that resembles the color of the sun. In the prime of his life, he died. But the word did not die with him. No, it gave way to new life brought about through his sacrifice. The apostles and other followers, as seeds of the flower blown about, went wherever the spirit led. "You will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere... To the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)" They had little choice of where they ended up, but they knew that they would plant the seed they'd been given and allow it to grow.

Christ was also seen as a weed. An invasive vermin that threatened society… An antidote was created that would surely rid the world of this pesky plant... The cross. But just as weed repellent does not always do the trick; the cross did little to keep Christ from spreading.

So rather than scowl every time you see a dandelion, try praising God instead. For just as we shall never cease to proclaim the gospel, neither will that little weed.

Kira Echeandia is a recent graduate of Lebanon Valley College who intends to spend the next year serving God and people in Houston, TX through a missions organization known as Mission Year. She intends to pursue a Master's in International Development, and pursues writing as a dearly beloved hobby.

Make Me Over

Makeup. It's what most women live for. Just a little lip gloss here, a touch of foundation there, and a dab of everything else that we have neatly packed into our cosmetic bags. Over the years, I have learned so much about makeup, along with little "tricks" that help to achieve the desired look. One can hide so many flaws with the help of a perfectly arranged palette, a crafted brush, and an artistic eye. I have literally witnessed full-blown transformations in less than an hour. Makeovers have the power to give one a new found self-esteem, attitude, and personality. I guess you can say that they create a "new you." 

We have become accustomed to "quick fixes" and transformations in today's society. However, Christ doesn't work this way. We can't simply add a dab of righteousness here, a splash of faith there, and finish off with smidgen of purity. When we want to "look good" for Christ, which really means when we want to look like Christ, we have to prepare ourselves for a full-blown makeover that requires patience, trust, and faith. These things cannot be found at the bottom of our cosmetic bags. We have to seek His face and ask Him with sincerity to change our hearts and to make them over to resemble His. 

" Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10 NLT)

It's no secret that the key to great makeup is a great foundation, meaning your skin. So why do we think our hearts are any different? In order to have a clean heart, one must have a good foundation, meaning Christ. We don't have to hide or cover anything up for Him. He loves us just the way we are! He knows our every imperfection and they couldn't make us any less perfect to Him, but when we give Him the opportunity to make us over, He does it in a way that only He could. We have to remember to not become so reliant on things that make us "look" the part and actually focus on living it. 

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." (Ezekiel 36:26 NIV)

God is the only one who can make us over from the inside out, literally. When He makes you over, you have a natural glow about yourself. Your "beauty" will naturally attract people because it's really Christ's light shining through you that draws the crowd. When people want to get to know Him, they will naturally come to you. That's the whole point of our existence anyway. To continuously push each other and non-believers to Christ. He is the only way!

So this doesn't mean you have to feel guilty about wearing makeup by a long shot. It's just a reminder that when you pick up your tools and get ready to create a masterpiece, know that God has already created one and He is the best artist there is. Seek Him!

Rochelle Burnley is a queen of all trades. She loves the Lord and desires to spread His love and light to everyone that she is blessed to touch. A producer by profession, she intends to use her gift of storytelling to spread the good news and to represent Christ. A proud Baltimore native, Rochelle leaves trails of purple along her life's journey. She is a chocolate connoisseur; as well as a lover of good movies, music, books, and food. She takes the phrase "shop until you drop" seriously. She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communications from Hampton University and is currently enrolled in The New School for an M.S. in Media Management.

My Personal Spiritual Trainer

hate exercising. There is no other way to say it and no, I won't sugarcoat it. It hurts! I am forced to move at a constant pace and use muscles that I forgot I even had. Not to mention the aftermath. The soreness and discomfort only makes me think “how can such a terrible feeling lead me to my healthiest state?” I am cleaning up my spirit and have come to the conclusion that in order to be a well-rounded Christian everything needs to be cleaned up, including this out-of-shape vessel of mine.

This made me think about what God is doing in my spiritual life as well. When we make the decision to accept Christ with all of our hearts, we don’t consider the vigorous work that is required to take us from being “couch potato Christians” to proactive go-getters in Christ; constantly pursuing Him because without Him we feel sluggish. My journey has been an up and down one no doubt. I have done a pretty good job of staying close enough to God by praying regularly, but far enough so that His plans don't interfere with mine. Terrible, I know, but how many of us do that? How many of us get up and pursue Christ the way that we want to pursue Him?

When we do this we only exercise a portion of our spiritual bodies. We may walk at a slow pace, not wanting to sweat and truly feel the brunt of our work, but imagine how we would feel and look if we let our personal and spiritual trainer (Christ) sculpt, tone, and strengthen us into a new person?!

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”  Romans 12:1 ESV

Christ is calling for us! He wants us to look and feel the best we have ever felt. It doesn't have to be as hard as we make it. Everyone starts off walking, but don't become stagnant and more importantly, don’t look at the sprinters and become discouraged. He is walking right beside us, ordering our every step. His love for us runs so deep and He knows what we are capable of doing, but He knows how much more we can get done if we allow Him to work through us!

Whether we are reading our daily devotionals, reading our bibles, praying, fasting, ministering, or evangelizing know that Christ is training us to be the best that we can be in Him! We may experience seasonal pain or even a pulled muscle or two, but know that He is right there willing and waiting for us to call on Him for help. Once we get into the habit of utilizing Him in every aspect of our walk, we will experience an unimaginable strength.

“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 ESV
Get up, get moving, and don't forget take Him with you!

Rochelle Burnley is a queen of all trades. She loves the Lord and desires to spread His love and light to everyone that she is blessed to touch. A producer by profession, she intends to use her gift of storytelling to spread the good news and to represent Christ. A proud Baltimore native, Rochelle leaves trails of purple along her life's journey. She is a chocolate connoisseur; as well as a lover of good movies, music, books, and food. She takes the phrase "shop until you drop" seriously. She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communications from Hampton University and is currently enrolled in The New School for an M.S. in Media Management.

God's Love Supersedes

Christ loves us. Point. Blank. Period. If there is anything that is difficult for me to understand in life, it would be His love for me. It's so grand, that it is a hard concept to grasp and can't be placed into a human engineered box. Despite my shortcomings, my backsliding, my constant "do-overs," His love has never and will never waver. I read on FB once a post from Joyce Meyers that stated something to the sort: "He does more than just loves me, He is love." Let that soak in for a minute. He loves us not out of duty, but because it's who He is! Glory! He has the ability to consume us fully and love on us so much that we have extra to pour into each other. 

"We love each other because he loved us first." (1 John 4:19 NLT)

I will be the first to admit that I am not always acting out of love in everything that I do. I am very much still a work in progress and God has His divine hands all over me (Amen!) What I am saying though is that God has loved us, does love us, and will continue to love us through it all. There isn't anything that we have done, are currently doing, or will do that will make Him love us any less. It's who He is! That's the good news. I have to constantly remind myself of this daily when the devil wants to condemn me and cast me away from my Heavenly Father. The addendum to the good news however, is that His unfailing love does not give us a pass to live as we please. Every action that we partake in that does not bring honor and glory to our Father hardens our hearts toward Him. How can we receive love with hardened hearts? 

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." (Proverbs 4:23 NLT) 

We have to do better at monitoring what we allow into our hearts: people, thoughts, entertainment, etc. These things will plant seeds and before we know it they will have slowly, but surely, helped us to turn our backs on God. Will He still love us the same? Of course. Does that makes it acceptable? Absolutely not. Christ yearns for us to be living examples and to love one another unconditionally the way that He loves us, but we can't do that if we constantly take advantage of His love for us and fulfill our fleshly desires. Have you ever experienced a relationship where you felt like you weren't being appreciated and no matter what you did, your partner constantly failed to realize your worth? I have. It left me with an extreme heartbreak partnered with feelings of neglect and betrayal. Now imagine this...that's how Christ feels. When we act as if we can do it without Him and nothing that we do affects Him, WE are being the partner in the relationship who refuses to appreciate His worth. And He is so worth it! Honestly, He is the only partner that we will ever have who can appreciate us in our very essence and love us beyond what we could have ever imagined. It takes constant reminders and at times I may still question why, but I am certain that Christ's love for me supersedes any love that I will ever experience. Love back on Him everyday, all day. Pray on the strongholds; fast if necessary, but fight to love Him just an ounce of the way He loves us. We can never fully get there, but He is so worth the effort! :-)

Rochelle Burnley is a queen of all trades. She loves the Lord and desires to spread His love and light to everyone that she is blessed to touch. A producer by profession, she intends to use her gift of storytelling to spread the good news and to represent Christ. A proud Baltimore native, Rochelle leaves trails of purple along her life's journey. She is a chocolate connoisseur; as well as a lover of good movies, music, books, and food. She takes the phrase "shop until you drop" seriously. She holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communications from Hampton University and is currently enrolled in The New School for an M.S. in Media Management.


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