Perseverance in the Face of Adversity

"Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly- I'm a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior."

John Newton speaks these words in the film "Amazing Grace", which tells the story of William Wilberforce's fight to abolish the slave trade in 18th century England. Because of Wilberforce's passionate perseverance, many slaves were eventually freed from the horrors of the trade.

Long and difficult was the journey, however, Wilberforce became so affected by the evils of the slave trade, along with the many tiring years of arguing in congress; he almost threw in the towel. His mysterious illness also added to his spirit of defeat, resigning him to bed-rest for days on end.

If Wilberforce had given up his cause, the slave trade would never have been abolished for such a time as that. Despite thickening adversity, Wilberforce persevered to the end.

Think about times of adversity in your own life. What has been your natural response?

One area of adversity for me has been singing. What once came so naturally (and afforded me many theater jobs) has been a battle for the past few years. Singing, for some odd reason that I am entrusting to God, has become physically uncomfortable. As a result, my natural response is to avoid it by running the other direction when opportunities arise to use my voice.

Defeat is precisely what the enemy wants: Adverse circumstances arise; we flee in fear or defeat, and the enemy triumphs (interesting that he is called our "adversary" in 1 Peter 5:8). The last thing he wants is for God to be glorified through the trials in our lives.

Dependent perseverance in the face of adversity is glorifying to God. This kind of perseverance is not mustered from our own strength. It admits to our weaknesses, trusting the power of Christ to be sufficient for us. Read what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:

But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 8 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 

The fact is, we are weak vessels! Power belongs to God, not to us. We are wholly dependent on our Savior, for life, breath and everything, including the salvation of our souls. We do not carry ourselves around in perfect, strong, powerful bodies. We are but humble jars of clay. But Christ, who came to seek and save the lost, lived the perfect life we could never live ourselves. We persevere by His strength and His power to defeat even death on a cross.  

We proclaim not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, who is the image of God (v.5). Facing adversity in the Spirit means leaning dependently on the power of Christ and proclaiming His strength. Instead of thinking, "I can do this," may our prayer be, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). Christ purposes to manifest His power despite our very glaring weaknesses because everything, even our weaknesses, is for His glorification!

After singing at church last night, it occurred to me that maybe the Lord would never remove the discomfort I often experience. I believe He can, if that healing would most glorify Christ. But if not, His perfect strength is made all the more manifest in my weakness. And what most amazes me is the sound of my voice is healthy and strong, despite my seeming insufficiency. He is the supplier of all we truly need, to the praise of His Son, even when we cannot understand and adversity arises.

What are you facing today? May Christ be exalted in your weaknesses, giving you the power to dependently persevere in the face of adversity. Christ is indeed a great Savior!

Lord Jesus, Thank You for being the Savior of the world. I am totally dependent on You, and today I rely on Your strength. May Your life be manifested in my weaknesses. Help me to trust You despite adversity and to praise You in all circumstances.

[photo source: Ansel Edwards, Creative Commons]

Kristen Leigh Evensen is a writer, blogger and singer/songwriter. She writes on faith, identity and Scripture at The Identity Project. Her articles and blog also appear on Her desire is to see women transformed by the Gospel! Follow her on Twitter and on Facebook.

Nice Doesn't Always Equal a Beautiful Heart

The term “true beauty” gets thrown around a lot, especially on social media platforms. Over the past few days I have been pondering on this and wondering whether I really understand what beauty is.

As Christian women we understand true beauty comes only from Jesus, and He is the only One who makes beauty possible for us. Only He can change our hearts. Yes, we know very well, but it does not mean we do not sometimes get deceived along with the rest of the world. The woman who has a pretty face, always smiles, is friendly and never rude is generally perceived as the one who has a beautiful heart. In short, the “nice” girl always gets credited as being the epitome of true beauty. But – does the Bible ever make mention of “nice” women? Is “nice” one of the characteristics mentioned in scriptures describing a godly woman? Wait – it is not even one of the fruits of the spirit? Would you ever think of someone who smiles at you when in your presence, but gossips about you when you turn your back as someone with a beautiful heart? Would you think someone who has a beautiful heart, if they see you going down the wrong path and know better, but keeps quiet as they watch you walking straight into destruction?

The most remarkable women in the Bible are known for their virtue, pure hearts, submission, compassion and most of all... unconditional devotion to Jesus. In their genuine pursuit of their Saviour, He was able to change their hearts and make them godly women.
How many of us young women know a pretty face and a "nice" personality do not equal a beautiful heart and a gentle & quiet spirit? How many of our young men are easily deceived by what they see on the surface, failing to dig a little deeper and discover a girl's heart? "True beauty" is about more than what meets the eye - and is certainly about more than a "nice" personality. The nicest person in the world can also have the most selfish, jealous and deceptive heart. If you want to be able to distinguish between genuine beauty and artificial beauty, get away from the cosmetics, surgery and appearances, and get with the One who is the Author of beauty. He will not only teach you; He will give His beauty to you. They say beauty comes from the inside...but what - or should I say who - exactly is inside of you? Is the Holy Spirit actively living in you? Are you allowing Him to transform you from the inside out?
Sometimes, we focus so much on looking like nice people in the eyes of others, we forget to be genuine, loving, authentic and Jesus-like. Eventually, what is truly inside of our hearts will overflow; and if our focus is on Jesus, our hearts will certainly overflow with Him.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” – Proverbs 31 v 30

[photo source: Shannon Lee Miller]

Danelle Vingtas is the Founder of South African based young women’s ministry, Proverbs 31 Sisterhood. Through her testimony she is determined to show the love of Jesus to the young women of this generation. She believes that knowing your worth in Christ is not only the door to a better self-image and future, but more importantly...a better eternity.

Deny Yourself

If only husbands and wives would learn one simple principle.
If only they would realize how important this principle is in their marriage.
If only they will apply this very principle in their personal lives. 
Then we would have content husbands and wives who will not even complain against each other.  
Thus there would not even be any hint of separation or divorce.

What is this principle that I am talking about?  It is the very principle that Jesus laid down as a prerequisite to being His true disciple.

“If any person wills to come after Me, let him deny himself (disown himself, forget, lose sight of himself and his own interests, refuse and give up himself) and take up his cross daily and follow Me”. (Luke 9:23)

Two words: DENY YOURSELF.  This is the principle I am talking about.  It is a Scripture that true believers have heard, known, and accepted as part of their walk.  It is as simple as it is yet not so much applied in marriages.  Isn’t that strange?  So strange that even strong men and women of God have overlooked this Scripture when it comes to marriage.

The problem that I see is that when a woman gets married, and even before she does, she is already looking forward to having a man who will protect her, guide her, love her, take care of her, and cherish her.  The man on the other hand is already looking forward to having a wife who will cook for him, take care of him, help him, listen to him, and simply be there for him.  All these desires are valid but they are focused more on the “self” and what the other person should do for us.  Come on, how many Christians thinking of or entering marriage have thought about what they can do for their future spouse more than what they want for themselves?  We humans are wired to think of ourselves more than others.  This is our earthly nature.  

With the so many wives I have counseled, most if not all of them complained to me about “what their husbands are failing to do”.  And when I tried to bring them back to what they have failed to do, they almost could not fathom it.  In fact, I had a post on facebook about “denying yourself” in marriage and one single lady commented and said, “That does not apply to marriage”.  I realized then, more than ever, how ignorant most Christians are about this principle.

The instructions of God to the husband and wife respectively, are about “denying the self”. When God commanded the wife to “submit to the husband”, to “have a gentle and quiet spirit”, to adore and respect him”, wasn’t He telling her to forget about herself and focus on her husband?  I can’t submit to my husband if I am all about myself.  I will have all the justifications not to.  This was my main struggle back then.  I was focused more on my rights and what I should receive from him than his rights and what I can give to him.  In the same way, when God commanded the husband to “love his wife the way Jesus loved the church and gave Himself up for her”, wasn’t He telling the husband to deny himself?  For how can my husband love me the way God instructed him to if he will think about himself and his needs and what I should be giving him?  

Deny yourself.  This is the basic and foundational principle in the success of any marriage. When we learn to apply this, we will be looking at our own faults and not the faults of our spouses; we will be serving them everyday instead of expecting to be served; we will not be playing the blame game but will take accountability for our own actions; and we will not be focusing on our hurts or anger but will be taking the bullet for them.  

You can receive this message, reject it, or just be unsure about it. Whatever you choose to do with it is up to you. I am simply sharing with you a valuable principle that I have learned and continue to learn. And if you are like me—serious about staying committed to my marriage, whatever it takes, and being obedient to God in everything, then you too will put this principle of “denying the self” into action. 

Lisa Maki is a professional Writer and Copywriter with over 15 years of experience in Professional Writing, Public speaking, and Human Resources. She manages a Professional Writing business. Lisa is also the founder of God’z Gurlz, a Bible-based web magazine for women. More importantly she is a wife and mom on fire for God. Connect with Lisa on Twitter @GodzGurlz

Genuine or Imitation

I love tomatoes! Scratch that. I thought I loved tomatoes until I ate my first homegrown tomato of the season. Now I have to say, I love real tomatos. For the last few years, I've been growing my own tomatoes. If you have never grown your own tomatoes - oh my goodness I'd have to say you've never really tasted a tomato the way God made them.

Earlier this summer I harvested my first tomato of the season and as I stood in the kitchen slicing into its red, plump goodness my taste buds were dancing. They knew what was coming. When I popped that wedge into my mouth it was like natures candy. It was wonderfully sweet and so full of flavor! The flavor matched the aroma I smelled as a little girl when the canning factory was stewing tomatoes. I was astounded at the flavor. As I ate the tomato I stood at the kitchen sink moaning out loud until it was gone. I was like a kid who was eating chocolate for the first time.

That night I prepared a salad for myself for dinner. I did not have any of the REAL tomato's left so I cut up a tomato I had purchased at the grocery store. When I popped a wedge in my mouth, it fell flat. I grimaced. Where was the flavor? Where was the sweet candy goodness? There was no comparison between the two. I realized I had just eaten a fake tomato!

That is when the correlation of truth bloomed on the vine. From October to June of each year...the tomato's I eat are fake. But as the months click by I forget how fake they are and once again in my mind they become real tomatoes again. How quickly I forget the perfection of a real tomato. Tomato's the way God intended them with the heady smell of the vine and the sweetness of the meat of the tomato. And how quickly I am willing to accept an imitation for real. It made me ponder as I stood there at the kitchen many other things has life handed me that are imitations of what God intended?

As we go through life we begin to yearn for joy and happiness. The world, like a grocery store, offers an entire joy- “producing section” from which we can choose. Step right up folks and try this red, plump tomato! Manufactured just for I mean, GROWN just for you!

We are wooed and seduced by what the world has manufactured and tagged as “joy producing” that we bite into the lie. Careers, prestige, money, vacations, expensive cars, clothes, hobbies, kids, expensive weddings, re-creating our bodies, marriage, on and on and on the selection goes. And for some reason...after a while, the “joy” dissipates and we find ourselves back in the joy “produce section” trying to decide on our next selection. It all somehow falls flat and tasteless as we swallow lie after lie.

We don't realize all the goodness, all the vitamins, all that was intended to make our existence on planet earth teeming with life and reproducing life, the very marrow to life has been sucked out of us by imposters or “things posing as life”! We walk around trying to be satisfied living a God-less life which in turn creates a flavorless, joy-less life.

Stormy seasons come into our lives uninvited. We hate them and rightly so. But with God as our traveling companion he desires to offer us respite along the journey. The kind of respite that - as we travel through that desert, through that need, through that nothingness... God presents us with real, genuine, authentic joy inspiring sustenance. It's when we read his word; when we spend time thanking him and praising him or when we spend time near him. When we trust him in spite of what is happening all around us.

Then and only then - even though our worlds are falling apart, loved ones die, money disappears or disaster strikes we can experience real joy and real satisfaction in spite of it all, because of God. In essence, it is GOD who offers us the real tomato...not the imitations.

Where in your life have you settled for imitations of love and joy rather than the real deal from God?

Dear Lord, I ask that you would open our eyes as we examine our lives. Where have we been tricked into accepting fake tomatoes as good... allowing the enemy to make us fall in love with that which is not soul satisfying? Create in us a hunger for only what is authentic and a great distaste for what is not genuine. For what is not organically YOU! Show us oh Lord where we've settled for less than what you created for us in relationships, in life and in YOU. Lord, may we have hearts who CRAVE the REAL you and may we settle for nothing less than what you created us to have. In Jesus powerful name, Amen!

Dori Cass is a wife of 29 years and mom to two adult children. She has spent her adult life active in Womens, Children's and Youth ministry. She finds that she writes a lot about faith which are the nuggets mined up out of a decade long journey in the wilderness walking with a husband whose life changed completely when he was injured on the job as a police officer. You can find her blog at

Touch Not My Anointed: From Presidents to Preachers

And it came to pass afterward that David’s heart smote him, because he had cut off Saul’s skirt. And he said unto his men, “the Lord forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the Lord’s anointed, to stretch forth my hand is against him, seeing he is the anointed of the Lord.” (1 Samuel 24:5-6) If you know the story of Saul, then you know he was favored, then lost all favor with the Lord. However, it did not remove the anointing God placed on him. When David intended to harm Saul, it was God who stopped him, and David honored God’s request…

Over the past couple of weeks, there have been more than enough opportunities spread love or reveal shortcomings of public figures – from the President to preachers, no stone has been left unturned. Listening to the rants and raves of the world is not shocking, that’s their job and they are quite good at it. However, Christians have a greater responsibility and cannot afford to conform to the world with their bashing of public figures. Whether it’s the President or a famous preacher, each were set in place by God and will have to deal with His consequences. Our jobs as Christians is to “render to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21)

Christians should be law-abiding citizens who respect and adhere to the government in honor of God. It does not mean the law binds us, it means we live by faith, we don’t bash the president or political parties for their decisions, we pray. We especially don’t make a public spectacle of ourselves showing the world we only extend love as long as it doesn’t include a public figure. Whoever is sitting in the White House has been placed there for an assignment and whether they are fulfilling their purpose or abusing it, they will have to take it up with God. The government’s shutdown more Christians in array than the people of the world. It’s like for a moment we’ve forgotten the God we serve has power and authority over all things including our day-to-day resources. God will provide the resources for you to withstand the government shutdown or any other decisions made by the government. Our responsibility is to continue in the faith from when we first believed in Christ and pray over the government officials and ask for forgiveness for not extending grace. God has given authority to governments and their positions; He has the ultimate authority over all (Romans 13:1), including the preachers.

Like the President, preachers have been set in place by God and will answer to Him if they are found guilty of anything. Bashing preachers for their lifestyles or choices does nothing for the Body of Christ, except create division. The enemy even knows a house divided cannot stand. So, how do we address issues within the church, if the head of the church seems to be out of order? You seek God in prayer first. They have been placed in these positions to lead, and while it seems they should live perfect lives; they don’t. They are human just like the rest of us. They make mistakes by saying or doing the wrongs things just like everyone else. Becoming a preacher doesn’t make it easier to refrain from sin or unpopular choices; it means they become a target for the enemy, the public, and their own brothers and sisters in Christ. We can cover them in prayer, speak to them about our concerns, or hope they receive counsel they need to grow and teach according to God’s will. If you are not in a position or don’t have access to speak to a certain preacher, you should not speak badly regarding their behavior – pray.

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief; for that is unprofitable for you” (Hebrews 13:17).

No one is perfect, while it is not an excuse; it is a reason why so many people make mistakes. If you have ever had to lead, then you understand the difficulty in making the right the decision for everyone all the time. Presidents and preachers have been anointed for their positions, and so have you. They have been given authority by God and will have to give an account for those they helped and those they lead astray. God will bless you for honoring those He’s set in position over you regardless of their behavior. Instead of bashing them, cover your leaders in prayer; it’s the best form of love you can extend. “ And above all things have fervent love among yourselves; for love shall cover a multitude of sins” (1Peter 4:8).

Marquisha Harden is a Florida native seeking to encourage using her God given talents of listening, speaking, writing, and acting to lead others to Christ. She recently earned her Bachelor's degree in Criminal justice and welcomes the charge to learn to do right, seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause for the fatherless, & plead for the case of the widow, as stated in Isaiah 1:17. She is eagerly learning to trust God in all things and welcomes the journey he has anointed her to take.

Springing Into Your Christian Identity

At some point in our lives, we as beautiful, called, and virtuous women will feel less than perfect. This can be due to the opinions of other people, expectations presented to us by society, or simply pressure we put on ourselves to measure up to some ridiculous standard. Much of this pressure is applied to us early in life and continues to mount as we reach adulthood and struggle through disappointments, negative criticism, hope deferred and heartache. Some women have a breakthrough and come to terms with who they are in Christ and seemingly leap into their destiny and live to tell the tale of how they used to have low self-esteem and self-worth. 

How do we become like those women?

I believe it has to begin at the conception of our womanhood. It is no secret that there is a direct correlation between childhood experiences and who we are as grown women today. I am not saying that we are given a pass to allow these circumstances to stunt our growth; rather that we are human and these experiences, whether good or bad, have molded us into who we are today. 

Proverbs 12:18 states that the words of the reckless pierce like swords. That saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” Yeah, so not true. When someone has said something hurtful to you, it is pretty hard and near impossible to forget. All those times we as young women were told that we were ugly, fat, stupid, mediocre, etc; those words swam around in our psyche whether we believed them or not. What’s worse is that if we did not have positive reinforcement coming back at us as quickly as the negative words were flying at us, we may have just began to believe it a little. Proverbs 18:21 says that death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Words are illustrated as fruit which means that they were first seeds that had to fall on fallow ground, take root and spring up into life. 

What is fallow ground? Webster’s Dictionary defines fallow as “cultivated land that is allowed to lie idle during the growing season”. This land is ready to be tilled and is fertile for accepting the seeds for the harvest. Little girls who are journeying into the conception of their womanhood are fallow ground. They are wide-eyed and vulnerable to who they think they are supposed to become as the world tries to consume them and mold them into societal standards. They are at the pinnacle of an influential state; they are watching other women and wanting to emulate those who have what they feel they are lacking. This is the stage in the young girl’s life that we need to prune, cultivate and tend to the harvest. We must encourage, discipline and teach young women that they are more than what society may want to paint them as. We must teach them that they are no man’s play-thing; they are a rare jewel that is to be saved for someone who can recognize their worth. We must be positive role models in which they can fashion themselves after that display meekness, humility, virtue, grace, poise and honorable submission in order to counteract the notions that society presents to our young girls that in order to make it in this world, they must first be rebellious, overtly sexual and must “think like a man” in order to find love, acceptance and success. But above all that, we as women must first believe what we preach to these young ladies. Just as these young ladies are fallow ground, vulnerable to weeds and thorns that may grow among the seeds, we ourselves were once fallow ground, and may have to look back and deal with the weeds and thorns that may have been planted in our lives in order to be all we can be for this next generation. 

Mothers, daughters, sisters in Christ; ask God to reveal to you who you are to Him. God created man in His image, but out of man He also created woman in His image. We present a unique facet of God that men do not have. When God tells us in the Bible who we are to be as women, it is because He wants these unique qualities to shine through us and display different aspects of His personality to the world. If you were once a young girl who may have been confused and misguided during the cultivating season of your life, there is no time like the present to ask the Creator of all things to uproot you and plant fresh seeds into your heart so that you may rise out of darkness and spring up into the newness of Christ. The Son will provide you with essential nutrients so that you can thrive in a way that was not possible while your growth was stunted by weeds and thorns. It is then that you can reach back and speak life into another little girl who may be strangled and choked by weeds. Imagine a world where each and every woman of God knew their worth. The lengths in which Christ could use us would be insurmountable. Let’s do it!

Dominique Bradley loves God and is embracing her new role as wife and First Lady to her husband Matthew, a Youth Pastor. She operates in the healing, deliverance, and prophetic ministry alongside him as well. She applies biblical standards to both her social and political life and is an advocate for the Pro-Life movement. You can connect with Dominique on Instagram @theniqueshow4.

Why Two is Better than One

We've all been there…feeling the weight of our guilt or our shame as a result of sins we have fallen into, or feeling ashamed of ourselves for times we've been deceived with attacks from the enemy. We repent and ask Christ to forgive us and strengthen us, but as we battle these struggles on a daily basis, we realize we can't rough it alone. We need the accountability, encouragement, and support from friends and others living their lives to serve, and to love Jesus. However, many times we find ourselves bottling our struggles up and keeping them to ourselves.

How many times when someone asks us "Hey, how're you doing?" do we truly mean "good?" Why are we so afraid to open up and admit we're hurting and struggling to the people who genuinely care about how we're really doing?

Our reasons for hiding the tears with insincere smiles may differ, but I struggled with feeling I had to deal with my struggles alone. I felt undeserving of others going out of their way to support and help build me up. I felt that would be asking too much. That would be a selfish request.

My thoughts were, "I need to focus on loving others the way Jesus did. I want to support those around me, and be there for my friends and family when they need me. I want to love selflessly. How can that be accomplished when I selfishly ask for my needs to be met instead?" 

I didn’t realize this was exactly what the enemy wanted me to think. There were times I felt my insecurities regarding my self image were destroying my confidence, literally leaving me feeling torn on the inside. I was unsure of who I was and lacked confidence in my abilities to use my gifts and talents to serve Christ.

My heart was distracted by the struggles inside and distracted by wanting a friend to lean on, but feeling I would be selfish and asking for too much if I were to ask for someone to support me and allow me to open up, admitting what was attacking me. I was hindered in my spiritual growth because I felt I had to pretend I was doing "good" one hundred percent of the time, when really I was stuck in a rut of insecurities I didn't know how to break.

I was forgetting something very essential. A best friend, who could tell I was hurting, brought something to my attention. His noticing and confronting me about hiding was God's way of telling me I needed to stop feeling ashamed, afraid, and selfish about admitting I was discouraged and in need of help.

Offering love, support, encouragement, and building up fellow members in the Body of Christ is a two way street. We're not only called to love God and others, but we’re also called to share in our walks with other believers instead of trying to grow spiritually, alone. Even Jesus didn't allow himself to be alone. The Son of God, in form of a man, surrounded himself with the company of his twelve disciples.

Jesus may have lived a sinless life, but he was still tempted. (Matthew 4:1-11) He was still very much human. If Jesus saw the importance of serving in ministry with His twelve disciples, rather than journeying through life alone, then we definitely should not serve in our spiritual journeys alone.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says, "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked or defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken."

Whenever we feel afraid, selfish, ashamed, or feel there's any excuse not to ask for support from fellow believers, we're falling into the enemy's trap. Having a Christ centered community is vital for our spiritual growth, and Satan will do whatever it takes to prevent us from receiving the benefits the Body of Christ provides. Struggling feeling alone is enough to tear us down with discouragement. God didn't create his people to be alone, nor did he create us to struggle alone. Absolutely nothing should ever stop us or make us feel undeserving of seeking help from the people God placed in our lives to walk with. No matter how deeply we feel we've sinned or how embarrassed we are because of attacks we face, the worst thing we could do is bottle up our struggles and attempt to fight through our battles alone.

[photo credit: Shannon Lee Miller]

Katelyn Bode is a 19 year old passionate about encouraging others in hopes to expose them to the love & hope Christ has to offer to all the heart break & injustices in the world. She enjoys drumming, serving as a camera operator for her church, & working on her "Beauty Exposed" Blog that can be found at

Slow Down, Release, Trust

I live fast…literally. I race through life, living for the next hour, day, week and month. Before I can reach my destination, which I was so intensely yearning for, I gravitate to the next glittery object that is just barely out of reach. I chase after perfect moments that I hope will encapsulate the visions that I have created… of course never reaching them. Leaving me disappointed and off to chase after yet another “perfect” vision. Living this way destroys the idea of living in the moment, and I often find myself out of breath; looking in so many directions at once.  Searching for that key that I think will unlock my heart’s desires.

Recently God laid it on my heart to slow down. Slow down not only my actions but also my thoughts. Slow down and wrap myself in His love, glory, and presence.

Too often distractions take me on journeys that weren’t meant to be started, leaving me in a place where I am craving something solid and lasting.  Leading my flesh to seek a substitute that claims it has the ability to satisfy that emptiness. Although I can’t slow down life or eliminate every distraction, I can focus on one solid being: My Savior. I can look above distractions and look to him for fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). Mediate on his word that lets me know that I have no good thing a part from him, and use that as an anchor that will draw me nearer and keep me in his presence.  An anchor that isn’t meant to prevent me from enjoying life, but to be a stable force when turbulent winds arise and to keep me on the path set before me.

In the midst of our flesh urging us to think or worry about tomorrow, and seek purpose and fulfillment in the world we can latch ourselves onto something real. Something that won’t drop us when we need to be held the most. God is our anchor, holding us down when the world wants to toss us to and fro. Clinging and focusing on our Savior will slow us down; helping to eliminate running purposeless races. We will find depth in an endless satisfying love and truth that will truly unlock our heart’s desires. Satisfying us in a way that “perfect” moments never could and never will. When our gaze is on him we become intentional in obeying and glorifying him. Releasing our faith becomes easier and we can begin to step into a disposition of trust.

David says in Psalm 16: 8,9 “I set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being dwells secure.” Verse 9 reflects David’s joy when he understands setting God before him leaves him secure.  God is there to protect, lead and guide if we choose to let him do so. We have to lay down our idols, our own hearts desires and trust that God will give us what we need. Stop running after placebo fillings, and release our faith knowing that God  “is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think…” It’s not in our own strength however, but the power of Him that works in us (Ephesians 3:20).

Let us slow down today, and step into God’s truth. Declare to the world, our flesh, and the enemy that we are secure in God and in His presence is FULLNESS of joy.  There will be times when the world looks enticing, our flesh is weak, and the enemy is drawing near…. we must be bold and take a step in the opposite direction no matter how much we want to feed our cravings. Yes its difficult, but we will have much joy when we begin to walk on the path that God has set before us. We wont get there with one giant leap- it’s a process, but if we are consistent and take the steps anointed for us to take each day it will become easier for us to slow down…release…and trust. 

[photo credit: Angelo Gonzalez, Creative Commons]

Chanale Propst is a woman of God who is truly enjoying every step in her walk with God. Her aim in life is to put God first, and to remove any distractions that will prevent her from doing this. She is in love with Christ, and desperately wants women to experience this love as well. By unfolding her wings and soaring to Christ, Chanale hopes to encourage and inspire women on their journey.

Inside Out

In John chapter 4, the sad situation of the Samaritan woman cannot help but stir within us the deepest of sympathies. We are told of her marriages to five different men, and that she is living with her current boyfriend. How these marriages ended, the Bible does not share. Perhaps, the men divorced her. Perhaps, some passed away. Today, most are familiar with the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale that tells us the two most severe stresses that can be experienced are firstly, the death of a spouse and secondly, divorce. This woman had been through such traumas not once, not twice, but five times. 

We can confidently deduce that her heart was not merely broken, but shattered. Emotionally, she was a wreck. While women would generally come to draw water during the early morning or late afternoon, avoiding the hottest times of the day, this lady come at midday, seemingly wanting to avoid interacting with others. She was in survival mode. Not caring any longer about the quality of her life, she was focused simply on getting by. However, one precious encounter with Jesus changed everything! We see how, following her conversation with Him, she was entirely transformed. Whereas previously she would avoid conversing with others, she became an enthusiastic extrovert, rushing back into the city and sharing news of her encounter with any and all who would listen.

Today, are you broken, disillusioned, shattered? I encourage you, find time to spend alone with the One who has the power to transform from the inside out. Pour out your heart to Him and wait for the sweet, restoring touch of His embrace. He will breathe life into tormented souls and strength into weary bones. He will gently revive despondent hearts and channel peace into frantic minds.

Today, cry out to Jesus. He will make all right again!

[photo credit: Angelo Gonzalez, Creative Commons]

Tamryn Klintworth is the founder of In His Name Ministries – – an evangelistic organization devoted to winning Africa and the world for Jesus, through the holding of mass crusades. A heavenly avalanche of salvation, healing and deliverance, follows the preaching of the Gospel. Tamryn also regularly ministers in churches and conferences, empowering believers for soul-winning. She resides in Cape Town, South Africa.

Moment by Moment Faith

Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. We all know this scripture (Hebrews 11:1). What does this really mean in your day-to-day existence? How can we bring this high and lofty scripture down to the “nitty-gritty” reality of our regular get up in the morning and go to work lives? How can we make faith in God come alive in us everyday?

At what point do we become mature enough in ourselves, i.e., to know our issues, our own problems, and weaknesses in our soul that need healing and actively begin to seek change? How much faith in God does it take to walk the road of emotional and mental healing to truly enjoy an abundant life? How can we have faith in God when one day we wake up tore out of our frame? And it seems like we are thinking all wrong, we know we are thinking wrong, we know our thoughts are what’s providing the upsetting feelings. We know we can’t blame everything wrong with us on other people, but somehow you are just too far-gone to stop the process.
On top of all that, you just went through this scenario after you prayed and before you even left the house in the morning. By the time your job has started at work, you feel like you already lost the faith fight for the day.

Even when you are making mistakes and struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, you must:

  • Have faith, God’s grace is sufficient and He still loves you. No matter how weak you feel, it is God’s grace sustaining you. After all you have been through, you can’t take credit for surviving and managing this far. It is God holding you up and together right now. As a believer, the weaker you become, the stronger God’s grace is on your life when you actively ask him. God’s grace is sufficient, His strength is made perfect in your weakness. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 (MSG) we read: “My grace is enough; it's all you need.  My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.”

  • Have faith not beat up yourself when you realize you have messed up, but still have the strength to change, keep moving forward and keep getting better not bitter. You belong to Jesus. Romans 8: 1-2 (KJV) reads: “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”.

  • Have faith that the sanctification is an ongoing process of ever-deepening soul conversion and mind renewal. Legally, you are saved and in right standing with God. Positionally, you are seated in heavenly places with Jesus. However, in your daily experience, you get there little by little every day. Holiness is a process and a journey. Philippians 2:13 (MSG) reads: “What I'm getting at, friends, is that you should simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning. When I was living among you, you lived in responsive obedience. Now that I'm separated from you, keep it up. Better yet, redouble your efforts. Be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before God. That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure.”

  • Have faith to believe prayers are working even if you can’t see them or feel them. There is subtle, effective, prevailing power with continued steadfast prayer. If you isolate yourself, you will delay on your own breakthrough by not reaching out to others for support and prayer. Sow prayer into the lives of other people. James 5:16 (MSG) reads: “Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.”

  • Have faith to believe the purging, pruning and cleansing process is expanding you and you are growing and changing everyday, so when the answers and blessings come you have maturity and grace to handle it. John 15: 1-8 (MSG) reads: “I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer. He cuts off every branch of me that doesn't bear grapes. And every branch that is grape-bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more. You are already pruned back by the message I have spoken.”

  • Have faith God will somehow, someway, get the glory out of your life even through things may look messy sometimes and you find yourself getting impatient. Remember Hebrews 6:12 MSG: “Don't drag your feet. Be like those who stay the course with committed faith and then get everything promised to them.”

Remember anything worthwhile takes time. God is never in a hurry so we shouldn’t be either. Those who win are those who refuse to let the enemy wear them down, who keep standing in spite of the obstacles and who refuse to give up their dream. The patient, diligent ones are those who inherit the promises. Never underestimate the power of staying on course and being patient.

Faith and patience is the key. It takes moment-by-moment faith in God to believe in Him, accept His Word and His Love unconditionally and surrender yourself, your desires, your needs and everything about you to Him so you can have that peace. Daily faith is a daily walk of surrender and humbly realizing you cannot live a godly life without the help of the Holy Spirit. If you try to live right and be healed by yourself in your own limited understanding you will keep making a mess. It takes moment-by-moment faith to follow God daily so your fleshy inclinations and thought patterns die and God’s spirit of life and peace grow within you. Then you can walk into his blessing with peace and joy that comes along with it.

[photo credit: Shannon L. Miller]

Maria Breeden has been an undercover writer for many years and has just recently obeyed her calling to write for the glory of God. She is a single mom, a full-time corporate bookkeeper and is actively involved in Reaching, Teaching and Releasing at New Hope Church in Durham, NC. You can reach her at

I'm In Love With A Church Girl

See the inspiring true story of a man who thinks he has it all… until a Godly woman shows him that everything he has isn’t enough.

Miles Montego Has It All....

Cars. Good looks. Mansions. Money. Women. And a past. He was king of the streets as a high-level drug trafficker, and although he has tried to move on, the DEA isn’t convinced. Miles is still rolling with his old friends and colleagues, and the feds are certain he has not fully retired from his criminal past. When Miles meets Vanessa Leon, a woman who is different than every other woman he’s met, he is drawn to her beauty and her faith. She is a “church girl” in every sense of the word. Increasingly, he is torn between a life that he knows and a love that he feels. As Vanessa experiences his lavish lifestyle, mobster-type friends, gun play, and encounters with past women, Vanessa must reconcile her faith in God and her growing love for Miles. Both are tested to their last ounce of faith and strength in God and each other. God continues to chip away at Miles through struggles from his past, having to live up to his reputation, feelings of unworthiness, the death of his mother, federal charges, his friends being indicted, the strain on his relationship with Vanessa, almost losing her in a near-fatal car accident, and finally the spiritual breakdown that brings him on his knees to face God one-on-one.

I’M IN LOVE WITH A CHURCH GIRL is a powerful, inspiring story of a love between a man and a woman, a gift of second chances, and a family at home and in church that never stops praying and believing.

I'm In Love With A Church Girl


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